
Java Tråd Pool

Java trådpulje repræsenterer en gruppe af arbejdertråde, der venter på jobbet og genbruges mange gange.

I tilfælde af en trådpulje oprettes en gruppe af tråde i fast størrelse. En tråd fra trådpuljen trækkes ud og tildeles et job af tjenesteudbyderen. Efter afslutning af jobbet er tråden indeholdt i trådpuljen igen.


newFixedThreadPool(int s): Metoden skaber en trådpulje af den faste størrelse s.

newCachedThreadPool(): Metoden opretter en ny trådpulje, der opretter de nye tråde, når det er nødvendigt, men vil stadig bruge den tidligere oprettede tråd, når de er tilgængelige til brug.

hvor mange mission umulig-film er der

newSingleThreadExecutor(): Metoden skaber en ny tråd.

Fordel ved Java Thread Pool

Bedre ydeevne Det sparer tid, fordi der ikke er behov for at oprette en ny tråd.


Det bruges i Servlet og JSP, hvor containeren opretter en trådpulje til at behandle anmodningen.

Eksempel på Java Thread Pool

Lad os se et simpelt eksempel på Java-trådpuljen ved hjælp af ExecutorService og Executors.

Fil: WorkerThread.java

 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; class WorkerThread implements Runnable { private String message; public WorkerThread(String s){ this.message=s; } public void run() { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+' (Start) message = '+message); processmessage();//call processmessage method that sleeps the thread for 2 seconds System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+' (End)');//prints thread name } private void processmessage() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } 

Fil: TestThreadPool.java

 public class TestThreadPool { public static void main(String[] args) { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);//creating a pool of 5 threads for (int i = 0; i <10; i++) { runnable worker="new" workerthread('' + i); executor.execute(worker); calling execute method of executorservice } executor.shutdown(); while (!executor.isterminated()) system.out.println('finished all threads'); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre>pool-1-thread-1 (Start) message = 0 pool-1-thread-2 (Start) message = 1 pool-1-thread-3 (Start) message = 2 pool-1-thread-5 (Start) message = 4 pool-1-thread-4 (Start) message = 3 pool-1-thread-2 (End) pool-1-thread-2 (Start) message = 5 pool-1-thread-1 (End) pool-1-thread-1 (Start) message = 6 pool-1-thread-3 (End) pool-1-thread-3 (Start) message = 7 pool-1-thread-4 (End) pool-1-thread-4 (Start) message = 8 pool-1-thread-5 (End) pool-1-thread-5 (Start) message = 9 pool-1-thread-2 (End) pool-1-thread-1 (End) pool-1-thread-4 (End) pool-1-thread-3 (End) pool-1-thread-5 (End) Finished all threads </pre> download this example <h2>Thread Pool Example: 2</h2> <p>Let&apos;s see another example of the thread pool.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ThreadPoolExample.java</p> <pre> // important import statements import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; class Tasks implements Runnable { private String taskName; // constructor of the class Tasks public Tasks(String str) { // initializing the field taskName taskName = str; } // Printing the task name and then sleeps for 1 sec // The complete process is getting repeated five times public void run() { try { for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++) { if (j="=" 0) date dt="new" date(); simpledateformat sdf="new" simpledateformat('hh : mm ss'); prints the initialization time for every task system.out.println('initialization name: '+ taskname + '=" + sdf.format(dt)); } else { Date dt = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh execution system.out.println('time of is complete.'); } catch(interruptedexception ie) ie.printstacktrace(); public class threadpoolexample maximum number threads in thread pool static final int max_th="3;" main method void main(string argvs[]) creating five new tasks runnable rb1="new" tasks('task 1'); rb2="new" 2'); rb3="new" 3'); rb4="new" 4'); rb5="new" 5'); a with size fixed executorservice pl="Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_TH);" passes objects to execute (step 3) pl.execute(rb1); pl.execute(rb2); pl.execute(rb3); pl.execute(rb4); pl.execute(rb5); shutdown pl.shutdown(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Initialization time for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 02 Initialization time for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 02 Initialization time for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 02 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 08 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 08 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 08 task 2 is complete. Initialization time for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 09 task 1 is complete. Initialization time for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 09 task 3 is complete. Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 10 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 10 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 11 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 11 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 12 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 12 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 13 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 13 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 14 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 14 task 4 is complete. task 5 is complete. </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> It is evident by looking at the output of the program that tasks 4 and 5 are executed only when the thread has an idle thread. Until then, the extra tasks are put in the queue.</p> <p>The takeaway from the above example is when one wants to execute 50 tasks but is not willing to create 50 threads. In such a case, one can create a pool of 10 threads. Thus, 10 out of 50 tasks are assigned, and the rest are put in the queue. Whenever any thread out of 10 threads becomes idle, it picks up the 11<sup>th </sup>task. The other pending tasks are treated the same way.</p> <h2>Risks involved in Thread Pools</h2> <p>The following are the risk involved in the thread pools.</p> <p> <strong>Deadlock:</strong> It is a known fact that deadlock can come in any program that involves multithreading, and a thread pool introduces another scenario of deadlock. Consider a scenario where all the threads that are executing are waiting for the results from the threads that are blocked and waiting in the queue because of the non-availability of threads for the execution.</p> <p> <strong>Thread Leakage:</strong> Leakage of threads occurs when a thread is being removed from the pool to execute a task but is not returning to it after the completion of the task. For example, when a thread throws the exception and the pool class is not able to catch this exception, then the thread exits and reduces the thread pool size by 1. If the same thing repeats a number of times, then there are fair chances that the pool will become empty, and hence, there are no threads available in the pool for executing other requests.</p> <p> <strong>Resource Thrashing:</strong> A lot of time is wasted in context switching among threads when the size of the thread pool is very large. Whenever there are more threads than the optimal number may cause the starvation problem, and it leads to resource thrashing.</p> <h2>Points to Remember</h2> <p>Do not queue the tasks that are concurrently waiting for the results obtained from the other tasks. It may lead to a deadlock situation, as explained above.</p> <p>Care must be taken whenever threads are used for the operation that is long-lived. It may result in the waiting of thread forever and will finally lead to the leakage of the resource.</p> <p>In the end, the thread pool has to be ended explicitly. If it does not happen, then the program continues to execute, and it never ends. Invoke the shutdown() method on the thread pool to terminate the executor. Note that if someone tries to send another task to the executor after shutdown, it will throw a RejectedExecutionException.</p> <p>One needs to understand the tasks to effectively tune the thread pool. If the given tasks are contrasting, then one should look for pools for executing different varieties of tasks so that one can properly tune them.</p> <p>To reduce the probability of running JVM out of memory, one can control the maximum threads that can run in JVM. The thread pool cannot create new threads after it has reached the maximum limit.</p> <p>A thread pool can use the same used thread if the thread has finished its execution. Thus, the time and resources used for the creation of a new thread are saved.</p> <h2>Tuning the Thread Pool</h2> <p>The accurate size of a thread pool is decided by the number of available processors and the type of tasks the threads have to execute. If a system has the P processors that have only got the computation type processes, then the maximum size of the thread pool of P or P + 1 achieves the maximum efficiency. However, the tasks may have to wait for I/O, and in such a scenario, one has to take into consideration the ratio of the waiting time (W) and the service time (S) for the request; resulting in the maximum size of the pool P * (1 + W / S) for the maximum efficiency.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>A thread pool is a very handy tool for organizing applications, especially on the server-side. Concept-wise, a thread pool is very easy to comprehend. However, one may have to look at a lot of issues when dealing with a thread pool. It is because the thread pool comes with some risks involved it (risks are discussed above).</p> <hr></=></pre></10;>
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Eksempel på trådpulje: 2

Lad os se et andet eksempel på trådpuljen.

Filnavn: ThreadPoolExample.java

 // important import statements import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; class Tasks implements Runnable { private String taskName; // constructor of the class Tasks public Tasks(String str) { // initializing the field taskName taskName = str; } // Printing the task name and then sleeps for 1 sec // The complete process is getting repeated five times public void run() { try { for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++) { if (j="=" 0) date dt="new" date(); simpledateformat sdf="new" simpledateformat(\'hh : mm ss\'); prints the initialization time for every task system.out.println(\'initialization name: \'+ taskname + \'=" + sdf.format(dt)); } else { Date dt = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh execution system.out.println(\'time of is complete.\'); } catch(interruptedexception ie) ie.printstacktrace(); public class threadpoolexample maximum number threads in thread pool static final int max_th="3;" main method void main(string argvs[]) creating five new tasks runnable rb1="new" tasks(\'task 1\'); rb2="new" 2\'); rb3="new" 3\'); rb4="new" 4\'); rb5="new" 5\'); a with size fixed executorservice pl="Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_TH);" passes objects to execute (step 3) pl.execute(rb1); pl.execute(rb2); pl.execute(rb3); pl.execute(rb4); pl.execute(rb5); shutdown pl.shutdown(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Initialization time for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 02 Initialization time for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 02 Initialization time for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 02 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 04 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 05 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 06 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 07 Time of execution for the task name: task 1 = 06 : 13 : 08 Time of execution for the task name: task 2 = 06 : 13 : 08 Time of execution for the task name: task 3 = 06 : 13 : 08 task 2 is complete. Initialization time for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 09 task 1 is complete. Initialization time for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 09 task 3 is complete. Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 10 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 10 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 11 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 11 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 12 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 12 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 13 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 13 Time of execution for the task name: task 4 = 06 : 13 : 14 Time of execution for the task name: task 5 = 06 : 13 : 14 task 4 is complete. task 5 is complete. </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> It is evident by looking at the output of the program that tasks 4 and 5 are executed only when the thread has an idle thread. Until then, the extra tasks are put in the queue.</p> <p>The takeaway from the above example is when one wants to execute 50 tasks but is not willing to create 50 threads. In such a case, one can create a pool of 10 threads. Thus, 10 out of 50 tasks are assigned, and the rest are put in the queue. Whenever any thread out of 10 threads becomes idle, it picks up the 11<sup>th </sup>task. The other pending tasks are treated the same way.</p> <h2>Risks involved in Thread Pools</h2> <p>The following are the risk involved in the thread pools.</p> <p> <strong>Deadlock:</strong> It is a known fact that deadlock can come in any program that involves multithreading, and a thread pool introduces another scenario of deadlock. Consider a scenario where all the threads that are executing are waiting for the results from the threads that are blocked and waiting in the queue because of the non-availability of threads for the execution.</p> <p> <strong>Thread Leakage:</strong> Leakage of threads occurs when a thread is being removed from the pool to execute a task but is not returning to it after the completion of the task. For example, when a thread throws the exception and the pool class is not able to catch this exception, then the thread exits and reduces the thread pool size by 1. If the same thing repeats a number of times, then there are fair chances that the pool will become empty, and hence, there are no threads available in the pool for executing other requests.</p> <p> <strong>Resource Thrashing:</strong> A lot of time is wasted in context switching among threads when the size of the thread pool is very large. Whenever there are more threads than the optimal number may cause the starvation problem, and it leads to resource thrashing.</p> <h2>Points to Remember</h2> <p>Do not queue the tasks that are concurrently waiting for the results obtained from the other tasks. It may lead to a deadlock situation, as explained above.</p> <p>Care must be taken whenever threads are used for the operation that is long-lived. It may result in the waiting of thread forever and will finally lead to the leakage of the resource.</p> <p>In the end, the thread pool has to be ended explicitly. If it does not happen, then the program continues to execute, and it never ends. Invoke the shutdown() method on the thread pool to terminate the executor. Note that if someone tries to send another task to the executor after shutdown, it will throw a RejectedExecutionException.</p> <p>One needs to understand the tasks to effectively tune the thread pool. If the given tasks are contrasting, then one should look for pools for executing different varieties of tasks so that one can properly tune them.</p> <p>To reduce the probability of running JVM out of memory, one can control the maximum threads that can run in JVM. The thread pool cannot create new threads after it has reached the maximum limit.</p> <p>A thread pool can use the same used thread if the thread has finished its execution. Thus, the time and resources used for the creation of a new thread are saved.</p> <h2>Tuning the Thread Pool</h2> <p>The accurate size of a thread pool is decided by the number of available processors and the type of tasks the threads have to execute. If a system has the P processors that have only got the computation type processes, then the maximum size of the thread pool of P or P + 1 achieves the maximum efficiency. However, the tasks may have to wait for I/O, and in such a scenario, one has to take into consideration the ratio of the waiting time (W) and the service time (S) for the request; resulting in the maximum size of the pool P * (1 + W / S) for the maximum efficiency.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>A thread pool is a very handy tool for organizing applications, especially on the server-side. Concept-wise, a thread pool is very easy to comprehend. However, one may have to look at a lot of issues when dealing with a thread pool. It is because the thread pool comes with some risks involved it (risks are discussed above).</p> <hr></=>

Forklaring: Det er tydeligt ved at se på outputtet af programmet, at opgave 4 og 5 kun udføres, når tråden har en inaktiv tråd. Indtil da sættes de ekstra opgaver i kø.

Takeaway fra ovenstående eksempel er, når man ønsker at udføre 50 opgaver, men ikke er villig til at oprette 50 tråde. I et sådant tilfælde kan man oprette en pulje på 10 tråde. Således er 10 ud af 50 opgaver tildelt, og resten sættes i kø. Når en tråd ud af 10 tråde bliver inaktiv, samler den de 11 opthopgave. De øvrige afventende opgaver behandles på samme måde.

Risici involveret i trådpuljer

Følgende er risikoen forbundet med trådpuljerne.

dødvande: Det er et kendt faktum, at deadlock kan komme i ethvert program, der involverer multithreading, og en trådpulje introducerer et andet scenarie med deadlock. Overvej et scenario, hvor alle de tråde, der udføres, venter på resultaterne fra de tråde, der er blokeret, og venter i køen på grund af manglende tilgængelighed af tråde til udførelsen.

personalevalgskommission betydning

Trådlækage: Lækage af tråde opstår, når en tråd fjernes fra puljen for at udføre en opgave, men ikke vender tilbage til den efter afslutningen af ​​opgaven. For eksempel, når en tråd kaster undtagelsen, og poolklassen ikke er i stand til at fange denne undtagelse, så forlader tråden og reducerer trådpuljens størrelse med 1. Hvis det samme gentager sig et antal gange, så er der rimelige chancer for, at puljen bliver tom, og derfor er der ingen tilgængelige tråde i puljen til at udføre andre anmodninger.

Resource Thrashing: Der spildes meget tid i forbindelse med at skifte mellem tråde, når størrelsen af ​​trådpuljen er meget stor. Når der er flere tråde end det optimale antal, kan det forårsage sultproblemet, og det fører til ressourcetæsk.

Punkter at huske

Stil ikke de opgaver i kø, der samtidig venter på resultaterne opnået fra de andre opgaver. Det kan føre til en dødvande situation, som forklaret ovenfor.

Der skal udvises forsigtighed, når der bruges tråde til operationen, der er langvarig. Det kan resultere i, at tråden venter for evigt og vil endelig føre til lækage af ressourcen.

I sidste ende skal trådpuljen afsluttes eksplicit. Hvis det ikke sker, fortsætter programmet med at køre, og det slutter aldrig. Kald shutdown()-metoden på trådpuljen for at afslutte eksekveren. Bemærk, at hvis nogen forsøger at sende en anden opgave til udføreren efter nedlukning, vil den kaste en RejectedExecutionException.

Man skal forstå opgaverne for effektivt at tune trådpuljen. Hvis de givne opgaver er kontrasterende, så bør man kigge efter puljer til at udføre forskellige varianter af opgaver, så man kan indstille dem korrekt.

For at reducere sandsynligheden for at køre JVM tør for hukommelse, kan man kontrollere de maksimale tråde, der kan køre i JVM. Trådpuljen kan ikke oprette nye tråde, efter at den har nået maksimumgrænsen.

En trådpulje kan bruge den samme brugte tråd, hvis tråden er færdig med sin udførelse. Dermed spares den tid og de ressourcer, der bruges til at oprette en ny tråd.

Tuning af trådpuljen

Den nøjagtige størrelse af en trådpulje bestemmes af antallet af tilgængelige processorer og typen af ​​opgaver, trådene skal udføre. Hvis et system har de P-processorer, der kun har beregningstypeprocesserne, så opnår den maksimale størrelse af trådpuljen af ​​P eller P + 1 den maksimale effektivitet. Det kan dog være, at opgaverne skal vente på I/O, og i et sådant scenarie skal man tage forholdet mellem ventetiden (W) og servicetiden (S) i betragtning for anmodningen; hvilket resulterer i den maksimale størrelse af poolen P * (1 + W / S) for den maksimale effektivitet.


En trådpulje er et meget praktisk værktøj til at organisere applikationer, især på serversiden. Konceptmæssigt er en trådpulje meget nem at forstå. Dog kan man være nødt til at se på en masse problemer, når man har med en trådpulje at gøre. Det er fordi trådpuljen kommer med nogle risici involveret (risici er diskuteret ovenfor).