
En række strenge i C

Et array er den enkleste datastruktur i C, der gemmer homogene data i sammenhængende hukommelsesplaceringer. Hvis vi vil oprette et array, erklærer vi datatypen og giver elementer ind i den:

 #include int main() { int i, arr[5] = {1, 2, 4, 2, 4}; for(i = 0; i <5; i++) { printf('%d ', arr[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> 1 2 4 2 4 </pre> <p>In C, a Character and a String are separate data types, unlike other programming languages like Python. A String is a collection of Characters. Hence, to define a String, we use a Character Array:</p> <pre> #include int main() { char str[8]; printf(&apos;Enter a String: &apos;); scanf(&apos;%s&apos;, &amp;str); printf(&apos;%s&apos;, str); } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a String: Hello Hello </pre> <p>Now, we want to create an Array of Strings which means we are trying to create an Array of Character Arrays. We have two ways we can do this:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Using Two-dimensional Arrays</li> <li>Using Pointers</li> </ol> <h3>Using Two-dimensional Arrays:</h3> <p>Creating a String Array is one of the applications of two-dimensional Arrays. To get a picture of the arrangement, observe the below representation:</p> <p>For suppose we want to create an Array of 3 Strings of size 5:</p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <p>Every String in a String Array must terminate with a null Character. It is the property of a String in C.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create a 2D Array:</strong> </p> <pre> Data_type name[rows][columns] = {{values in row 1}, {values in row 2}&#x2026;}; </pre> <p> <strong>Syntax to create a String Array:</strong> </p> <pre> char Array[rows][columns] = {&apos;String1&apos;, &apos;String2&apos;...}; </pre> <p> <strong>Now, let us create an example String Array:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Observe that when we assign the number of rows and columns, we need to consider the Null Character to the length.</li> </ul> <pre> #include int main() { int i; char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Block&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array: 
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf('%s
', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: Black Blame Block </pre> <ul> <li>char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;} -&gt; {{&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;c&apos;, &apos;k&apos;, &apos;&apos;}, {&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;m&apos;, &apos;e&apos;, &apos;&apos;}, {&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;c&apos;, &apos;k&apos;, &apos;&apos;}}</li> <li>We cannot directly manipulate the Strings in the Array as a String is an immutable data type. The compiler raises an error:</li> </ul> <pre> char Array[0] = &apos;Hello&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> [Error] assignment to expression with Array type </pre> <ul> <li>We can use the strcpy() function to copy the value by importing the String header file:</li> </ul> <pre> char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Block&apos;}; strcpy(Array[0], &apos;Hello&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf('%s
', array[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: Hello Blame Block </pre> <p> <strong>The Disadvantage of using 2D Arrays:</strong> </p> <p>Suppose we want to store 4 Strings in an Array: {&apos;Java&apos;, &apos;T&apos;, &apos;point&apos;, &apos;JavaTpoint&apos;}. We will store the Strings like this:</p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-2.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <ul> <li>The number of rows will be equal to the number of Strings, but the number of columns will equal the length of the longest String.</li> <li>The memory allocated to all the Strings will be the size of the longest String, causing &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> &apos;.</li> <li>The orange part in the above representation is the memory wasted.</li> </ul> <h3>Using Pointers:</h3> <p>By using Pointers, we can avoid the Disadvantage of Memory wastage. But how do we do this?</p> <p>We need to create an Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Hence, we need to create an Array of type &apos; <strong>char*</strong> &apos;. This way, all the Strings are stored elsewhere in the exactly needed memory, and the Pointers in the Array point to those memory locations causing no memory wastage. More specifically, the Pointers in the Array point to the first Character of the Strings.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Data Type* name[] = {&apos;Value 1&apos;, &apos;Value 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of String Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>char* Array[] = {&apos;String 1&apos;, &apos;String 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Representation:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-3.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <p> <strong>Now, let us create an example String Array:</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int i; char* Array[] = {&apos;HI&apos;, &apos;UP&apos;, &apos;AT&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array:
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf('%s
', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: HI UP AT </pre> <h3>Summary:</h3> <p>We cannot create a String Array like a normal one, as a String is an Array of Characters. We have two ways to do this:</p> <p> <strong>1. Using a Two-Dimensional Array:</strong> </p> <p>The Disadvantage of using this way is &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> ,&apos; as the memory allocated to every String in the Array will be the memory required to store the longest String of the Array.</p> <p> <strong>2. Using Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Using Pointers, we create a single-dimensional Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Following this method can eliminate the &apos;Memory wastage&apos; Disadvantage.</p> <hr></3;></pre></3;></pre></3;></pre></5;>

I C er et tegn og en streng separate datatyper i modsætning til andre programmeringssprog som Python. En streng er en samling af tegn. For at definere en streng bruger vi derfor et tegnarray:

 #include int main() { char str[8]; printf(&apos;Enter a String: &apos;); scanf(&apos;%s&apos;, &amp;str); printf(&apos;%s&apos;, str); } 


 Enter a String: Hello Hello 

Nu ønsker vi at skabe en Array of Strings, hvilket betyder, at vi forsøger at skabe en Array af Character Arrays. Vi har to måder, vi kan gøre dette på:

  1. Brug af todimensionelle arrays
  2. Brug af pointere

Brug af todimensionelle arrays:

Oprettelse af en String Array er en af ​​anvendelserne af todimensionelle Arrays. For at få et billede af arrangementet, se nedenstående repræsentation:

For antag, at vi vil oprette et array med 3 strenge i størrelse 5:

1 million hvor mange 0
En række strenge i C

Hver streng i en strengmatrix skal afsluttes med et null-tegn. Det er ejendom af en streng i C.

Syntaks for at skabe et 2D-array:

 Data_type name[rows][columns] = {{values in row 1}, {values in row 2}&#x2026;}; 

Syntaks for at oprette en strengmatrix:

 char Array[rows][columns] = {&apos;String1&apos;, &apos;String2&apos;...}; 

Lad os nu oprette et eksempel på String Array:

formater java-streng
  • Bemærk, at når vi tildeler antallet af rækker og kolonner, skal vi overveje nultegnet til længden.
 #include int main() { int i; char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Block&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array: 
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: Black Blame Block </pre> <ul> <li>char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;} -&gt; {{&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;c&apos;, &apos;k&apos;, &apos;&apos;}, {&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;m&apos;, &apos;e&apos;, &apos;&apos;}, {&apos;B&apos;, &apos;l&apos;, &apos;a&apos;, &apos;c&apos;, &apos;k&apos;, &apos;&apos;}}</li> <li>We cannot directly manipulate the Strings in the Array as a String is an immutable data type. The compiler raises an error:</li> </ul> <pre> char Array[0] = &apos;Hello&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> [Error] assignment to expression with Array type </pre> <ul> <li>We can use the strcpy() function to copy the value by importing the String header file:</li> </ul> <pre> char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Block&apos;}; strcpy(Array[0], &apos;Hello&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: Hello Blame Block </pre> <p> <strong>The Disadvantage of using 2D Arrays:</strong> </p> <p>Suppose we want to store 4 Strings in an Array: {&apos;Java&apos;, &apos;T&apos;, &apos;point&apos;, &apos;JavaTpoint&apos;}. We will store the Strings like this:</p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-2.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <ul> <li>The number of rows will be equal to the number of Strings, but the number of columns will equal the length of the longest String.</li> <li>The memory allocated to all the Strings will be the size of the longest String, causing &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> &apos;.</li> <li>The orange part in the above representation is the memory wasted.</li> </ul> <h3>Using Pointers:</h3> <p>By using Pointers, we can avoid the Disadvantage of Memory wastage. But how do we do this?</p> <p>We need to create an Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Hence, we need to create an Array of type &apos; <strong>char*</strong> &apos;. This way, all the Strings are stored elsewhere in the exactly needed memory, and the Pointers in the Array point to those memory locations causing no memory wastage. More specifically, the Pointers in the Array point to the first Character of the Strings.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Data Type* name[] = {&apos;Value 1&apos;, &apos;Value 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of String Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>char* Array[] = {&apos;String 1&apos;, &apos;String 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Representation:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-3.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <p> <strong>Now, let us create an example String Array:</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int i; char* Array[] = {&apos;HI&apos;, &apos;UP&apos;, &apos;AT&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array:
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: HI UP AT </pre> <h3>Summary:</h3> <p>We cannot create a String Array like a normal one, as a String is an Array of Characters. We have two ways to do this:</p> <p> <strong>1. Using a Two-Dimensional Array:</strong> </p> <p>The Disadvantage of using this way is &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> ,&apos; as the memory allocated to every String in the Array will be the memory required to store the longest String of the Array.</p> <p> <strong>2. Using Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Using Pointers, we create a single-dimensional Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Following this method can eliminate the &apos;Memory wastage&apos; Disadvantage.</p> <hr></3;></pre></3;></pre></3;>
  • char Array[3][6] = {'Black', 'Blame', 'Black'} -> {{'B', 'l', 'a', 'c', 'k', '' }, {'B', 'l', 'a', 'm', 'e', ​​''}, {'B', 'l', 'a', 'c', 'k', ''}}
  • Vi kan ikke direkte manipulere strengene i arrayet, da en streng er en uforanderlig datatype. Compileren rejser en fejl:
 char Array[0] = &apos;Hello&apos;; 


 [Error] assignment to expression with Array type 
  • Vi kan bruge strcpy()-funktionen til at kopiere værdien ved at importere String-header-filen:
 char Array[3][6] = {&apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Blame&apos;, &apos;Block&apos;}; strcpy(Array[0], &apos;Hello&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: Hello Blame Block </pre> <p> <strong>The Disadvantage of using 2D Arrays:</strong> </p> <p>Suppose we want to store 4 Strings in an Array: {&apos;Java&apos;, &apos;T&apos;, &apos;point&apos;, &apos;JavaTpoint&apos;}. We will store the Strings like this:</p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-2.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <ul> <li>The number of rows will be equal to the number of Strings, but the number of columns will equal the length of the longest String.</li> <li>The memory allocated to all the Strings will be the size of the longest String, causing &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> &apos;.</li> <li>The orange part in the above representation is the memory wasted.</li> </ul> <h3>Using Pointers:</h3> <p>By using Pointers, we can avoid the Disadvantage of Memory wastage. But how do we do this?</p> <p>We need to create an Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Hence, we need to create an Array of type &apos; <strong>char*</strong> &apos;. This way, all the Strings are stored elsewhere in the exactly needed memory, and the Pointers in the Array point to those memory locations causing no memory wastage. More specifically, the Pointers in the Array point to the first Character of the Strings.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Data Type* name[] = {&apos;Value 1&apos;, &apos;Value 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to create an Array of String Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>char* Array[] = {&apos;String 1&apos;, &apos;String 2&apos;&#x2026;};</p> <p> <strong>Representation:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/46/an-array-strings-c-3.webp" alt="An Array of Strings in C"> <p> <strong>Now, let us create an example String Array:</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int i; char* Array[] = {&apos;HI&apos;, &apos;UP&apos;, &apos;AT&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array:
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: HI UP AT </pre> <h3>Summary:</h3> <p>We cannot create a String Array like a normal one, as a String is an Array of Characters. We have two ways to do this:</p> <p> <strong>1. Using a Two-Dimensional Array:</strong> </p> <p>The Disadvantage of using this way is &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> ,&apos; as the memory allocated to every String in the Array will be the memory required to store the longest String of the Array.</p> <p> <strong>2. Using Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Using Pointers, we create a single-dimensional Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Following this method can eliminate the &apos;Memory wastage&apos; Disadvantage.</p> <hr></3;></pre></3;>

Ulempen ved at bruge 2D-arrays:

Antag, at vi vil gemme 4 strenge i et array: {'Java', 'T', 'point', 'JavaTpoint'}. Vi gemmer strengene sådan her:

En række strenge i C
  • Antallet af rækker vil være lig med antallet af strenge, men antallet af kolonner vil være lig med længden af ​​den længste streng.
  • Hukommelsen, der er allokeret til alle strengene, vil være på størrelse med den længste streng, hvilket forårsager ' Hukommelsesspild '.
  • Den orange del i ovenstående repræsentation er den spildte hukommelse.

Brug af pointere:

Ved at bruge pointere kan vi undgå ulempen ved spild af hukommelse. Men hvordan gør vi det?

Vi er nødt til at skabe en række af pointere, der peger på strenge. Derfor skal vi oprette et array af typen ' char* '. På denne måde gemmes alle strengene andre steder i den nøjagtigt nødvendige hukommelse, og pointerne i Array'et peger på disse hukommelsesplaceringer, hvilket ikke forårsager spild af hukommelse. Mere specifikt peger pointerne i arrayet på det første tegn i strengene.

Syntaks for at skabe en række pointere:

Data Type* name[] = {'Værdi 1', 'Værdi 2'...};

Syntaks til at skabe en række af strengpegere:

char* Array[] = {'String 1', 'String 2'...};


En række strenge i C

Lad os nu oprette et eksempel på String Array:

hvor stor er min computerskærm
 #include #include int main() { int i; char* Array[] = {&apos;HI&apos;, &apos;UP&apos;, &apos;AT&apos;}; printf(&apos;String Array:
&apos;); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) { printf(\'%s
\', array[i]); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> String Array: HI UP AT </pre> <h3>Summary:</h3> <p>We cannot create a String Array like a normal one, as a String is an Array of Characters. We have two ways to do this:</p> <p> <strong>1. Using a Two-Dimensional Array:</strong> </p> <p>The Disadvantage of using this way is &apos; <strong>Memory wastage</strong> ,&apos; as the memory allocated to every String in the Array will be the memory required to store the longest String of the Array.</p> <p> <strong>2. Using Pointers:</strong> </p> <p>Using Pointers, we create a single-dimensional Array of Pointers pointing to Strings. Following this method can eliminate the &apos;Memory wastage&apos; Disadvantage.</p> <hr></3;>


Vi kan ikke skabe en String Array som en normal, da en String er en Array af Tegn. Vi har to måder at gøre dette på:

1. Brug af et todimensionalt array:

Ulempen ved at bruge denne måde er ' Hukommelsesspild ,' da hukommelsen, der er allokeret til hver streng i arrayet, vil være den hukommelse, der kræves til at gemme den længste streng i arrayet.

2. Brug af pointere:

Ved hjælp af pointere opretter vi et enkeltdimensionelt array af pointere, der peger på strenge. Ved at følge denne metode kan ulempen med 'hukommelsesspild' elimineres.