
Komplet liste over IB-skoler i USA, efter stat

Som tidligere IB-studerende kan jeg varmt anbefale IB Diploma Programme. Jeg tror, ​​jeg var langt bedre forberedt til college end mine ikke-IB-kolleger, fordi jeg havde været parat til at tænke kritisk og globalt. Hvis du er forælder eller studerende, der er interesseret i at tilmelde dig et IB Diploma Program, er denne artikel for dig.

hvis ved rudyard kipling linje for linje forklaring

Jeg har lavet en liste over alle IB Diploma Program-skolerne i USA og arrangeret dem efter stat.

Jeg har også sørget for flere af skolens Diplompriser . Diplomsatsen bestemmes af procentdelen af ​​studerende, der modtager IB-diplomer ud af dem, der var diplomkandidater. Ikke alle studerende, der forfølger et IB-diplom, vil modtage legitimationen; du skal opfylde visse krav (ved at opnå specifikke testresultater og gennemføre specifikke projekter på et tilfredsstillende niveau).

For mere information, tjek vores dybdegående artikel om hvad IB-programmet indebærer .


Ændringer i IB-eksamen i 2022 på grund af COVID-19

På grund af den igangværende COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemi har IB besluttet at forlænge de tilpasninger, der blev sat i værk for 2021 til 2022.Maj 2022 IB-vurderinger vil have to ruter, eksamen og ikke-eksamen, afhængigt af hvilken din skole vælger.Hold dig opdateret med de seneste oplysninger om, hvad dette betyder for IB-diplomer, kursuskredit for IB-klasser og mere med vores IB COVID-19 FAQ-artikel.

Sådan bruges disse oplysninger på IB-skoler

Først og fremmest, du skal bruge disse oplysninger til at finde den nærmeste IB Diploma Program-skole . Hvis du er så heldig at have et par IB DP-skoler i dit område, eller hvis du blot prøver at vælge mellem en IB- og ikke-IB-skole, så bør du sammenligne de to ved hjælp af et par datapunkter.

Faktorer, der skal overvejes, når man sammenligner IB-skoler eller en IB- og en ikke-IB-skole

Hvis du sammenligner to eller flere IB DP-skoler eller en IB-skole med en ikke-IB-skole, anbefaler jeg at sende en e-mail til IB-koordinatoren på hver skole (du kan kontakte dem via skolens hyperlink nedenfor) og bede om følgende:

    Skolens IB Diploma-sats(dette er antallet af elever, der modtog IB Diplomer ud af alle IB Diploma kandidater på den pågældende skole); dette bør dog ikke være alt og ende-alt. Ifølge en IB-koordinator 'tillader IB skoler ikke at tælle nogle elevers score, så skolen vil ikke droppe eleven for at hjælpe deres procentdel.' Så satsen afspejler muligvis ikke hele skolens præstationer.
    Hvad er optagelseskriterierne for deres IB-program.Normalt adskiller dette sig fra gymnasiets overordnede optagelseskriterier.
  • Det den samlede gradueringsrate .
    Hvor mange kandidater er på vej til fireårige gymnasier/universiteter.

Du bør også kigge på hvor længe de har været en IB-skole (de ældre skoler har en tendens til at have bedre lærere og diplompriser). Du kan finde disse oplysninger på IB-skolesiden (klik blot på det hyperlinkede skolenavn, og du er der).


Hvis du sammenligner en IB-skole med en ikke-IB-skole, skal du sende en e-mail til nogen i administrationen på ikke-IB-skolen og bede om følgende oplysninger:

  • Samlet gradueringsprocent
  • Hvor mange kandidater er på vej til fireårige gymnasier/universiteter
  • Optagelseskriterier

Svaret på disse spørgsmål er vigtigt, og hvis IB-koordinatoren/administratoren ikke er villig til at besvare dem, skal du være på vagt over for skolen . (Det betyder højst sandsynligt, at de klarer sig dårligt i en eller alle disse kategorier.)

Nedenfor er et eksempel på en sammenligning mellem Pedro Menendez High School i St. Augustine, FL, og St. Petersburg High School i St. skolens IB Program optagelseskriterier er.

css baggrund
347 på FSA Math i klasse 6 eller 352 på FSA Math i klasse 7352 på FSA ELA i klasse 6 eller 7
  • Afsluttende karakterer for As eller Bs i 6. og 7. klasse (engelsk, matematik, naturvidenskab, samfundsfag, verdenssprog)
  • 8. klasse semester karakterer på As eller Bs (samme fag ovenfor)
  • Studerende, der ikke opfylder ovenstående test- eller akademiske karakterkriterier, kan placeres i denne gruppe baseret på en fælles rubrik, der bruges til at beregne den procentdel af kriterier, eleven har demonstreret
  • Pedro Menendez High School
    St. Petersborg Gymnasium
    Diplomsats 52 % 90 %
    IB DP startede 2010 (første IB-afgangsklasse i 2011) 1983
    IB DP Adgangskriterier
    • Pre-IB klasser i 9. og 10. klasse i engelsk, spansk, naturvidenskab og matematik
    • Skriveprøve
    • Forudsætningskursus: Algebra 1 Honours
    • Testresultater

    Baseret på de givne oplysninger, hvis mit barn eller jeg opfyldte kvalifikationerne for St. Petersburg High School, Jeg ville vælge at deltage i deres program i betragtning af, at deres IB-program er over 30 år gammelt og har så høj en diplomgrad . Denne højskole kender tydeligvis IB-programmet godt, og du eller dit barn vil være meget mere tilbøjelige til at modtage et IB-diplom ved at deltage her.

    Komplet liste over IB-skoler efter stat

    Nu hvor du ved, hvad du skal kigge efter på en IB-skole, kan du begynde at lede efter nærliggende IB Diploma Program-skoler. Følgende liste er organiseret alfabetisk efter amerikansk stat. Du kan også bruge dit tastaturs ctrl + f-funktion til at søge efter bestemte skolenavne eller byer.



    Auburn High School Auburn
    Central High School, Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa
    Columbia High School Huntsville
    Daphne High School Daphne
    Fairhope High School Fairhope
    Hoover High School Hoover
    Jefferson County IB School Birmingham
    Ramsay Alternative High School Birmingham
    S.S. Murphy High School Mobil
    W. P. Davidson High School Mobil


    Palmer High School Palmer
    West Anchorage High School Ankerplads



    Barry Goldwater High School Phoenix
    Betty H. Fairfax High School Laveen
    Buckeye Union High School Buckeye
    Cactus Shadows High School Cave Creek
    Canyon del Oro High School Oro-dalen
    Chandler High School Chandler
    Cholla Højskole Tucson
    Coconino High School Flagstang
    Desert Mountain High School Scottsdale
    EDUPRIZE SCHOOLS, LLC (Gilbert Campus) Gilbert
    Firenze Gymnasium Firenze
    Gilbert Højskole Gilbert
    Ironwood High School Peoria
    Millennium High School Godt år
    Nogales High School Valnødder
    North Canyon High School Phoenix
    Nordre Højskole Phoenix
    Rancho Solano forberedende skole Scottsdale
    Tempe High School Tempe
    Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies Buckeye
    Verde Valley School Sedona
    Westwood High School Bord
    Willow Canyon High School Overraskelse


    Bentonville High School Bentonville
    Hot Springs World Class High School Varme kilder
    Springdale High School Springdale



    Agoura High School Agoura Hills
    Al-Arqam Islamisk Skole & College forberedende Sacramento
    Andrew P. Hill High School Sankt Josef
    Armijo High School Fairfield
    Arroyo Valley High School Sankt Bernardine
    Azusa High School Azusa
    Berkeley High School Berkeley
    Biskop Amat Memorial High School Broen
    Blair High School Pasadena
    Bonita Vista High School Chula Vista
    Cajon High School Sankt Bernardine
    Canyon High School Anaheim
    Canyon Springs High School Moreno-dalen
    Capistrano Valley High School gamle Mission
    Capuchin High School Sankt Bruno
    Castle Park High School Chula Vista
    Cathedral City High School katedral by
    Centennial High School Corona
    Charter Oak High School Covina
    Citrus Hill High School Perris
    Claremont High School Claremont
    Colfax High School Colfax
    Cordova High School Rancho Cordova
    David Starr Jordan High School Lang strand
    Del Mar High School Sankt Josef
    Diamond Bar High School Diamond Bar
    Dos Pueblos High School Skonnert
    Downtown Magnets High School Englene
    Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School Englene
    Edgewood High School West Covina
    El Rancho High School Rivera Peak
    Fairmont Preparatory Academy Anaheim
    Fallbrook Union High School Fallbrook
    Foothill High School Sankt Ana
    Franklin High School Stockton
    French American International School San Francisco
    Fresno High School Fresno
    Fullerton Union High School Fullerton
    Glen A. Wilson High School Hacienda Heights
    Granada High School Livermore
    Granada Hills Charter High School Granada Hills
    Granite Bay High School Granit Bugt
    Granite Hills High School Skuffen
    Great Oak High School Temecula
    Guajome Park Academy Udsigt
    Havnehøjskolen Santa Cruz
    Inderkum High School Sacramento
    International School of Los Angeles Burbank
    John F. Kennedy High School Palmen
    John Wesley North High School Riverside
    Jurupa Hills High School Fontana
    Kit Carson International Academy Sacramento
    La Costa Canyon High School Carlsbad
    La Quinta High School Den femte
    Laguna Creek High School Elk Grove
    Laguna Hills High School Laguna Hills
    Luther Burbank High School Sacramento
    Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School Lynwood
    Mira Loma High School Sacramento
    Mission Bay High School San Diego
    Mission Viejo High School gamle Mission
    Modesto High School Beskeden
    Monte Vista Christian Watsonville
    Monterey High School Monterey
    Montgomery High School Santa Rosa
    Murrieta Valley High School Murrieta
    New Covenant Academy Englene
    Newbury Park High School Newbury Park
    Newport Harbor High School Newport
    Nogales High School Broen
    Norte Vista High School Riverside
    Northcoast Forberedende og Performing Arts Academy Trinidad
    Oakmont High School Roseville
    Ocean View High School Huntington Beach
    Pinole Valley High School Pinole
    Quarry Lane skole Dublin
    Quartz Hill High School Quartz Hill
    Rancho Buena Vista High School Udsigt
    Rio Mesa High School Oxnard
    Rowland High School Rowland Heights
    Kongelig Højskole Simi Valley
    Saddleback High School Sankt Ana
    San Clemente High School Sankt Clement
    San Diego High School of International Studies San Diego
    San Jacinto High School San Jacinto
    San Jacinto Valley Academy San Jacinto
    San Jose High School Sankt Josef
    Santa Clarita Valley International School Castaic
    Santa Margarita Catholic High School Rancho Santa Margarita
    Skoler i det hellige hjerte San Francisco
    Scotts Valley High School Scotts Valley
    Sequoia High School Redwood City
    Silicon Valley International School Palo Alto
    Sonora High School Habra
    South Hills High School West Covina
    Southwest High School Centrum
    Stockton Collegiate International Secondary School Stockton
    Sunny Hills High School Fullerton
    Temescal Canyon High School Helsingør Sø
    Trabuco Hills High School gamle Mission
    Tracy Joint Union High School Tracy
    Troy High School Fullerton
    Valencia High School Moderkagen
    Villanova Forberedende Skole Ojai
    Vista High School Udsigt
    Walnut High School Valnød
    West Valley High School Han mødte
    Woodrow Wilson High School Englene
    Ygnacio Valley High School Concord
    Yosemite High School Oakhurst



    Alameda International High School Lakewood
    Aspen Højskole Aspen
    Centaurus High School Lafayette
    Cherokee Trail High School Aurora
    Dakota Ridge High School Littleton
    Discovery Canyon Campus Colorado Springs
    Douglas County High School Castle Rock
    Fairview High School Kampesten
    Greeley West High School Greeley
    Harrison High School Colorado Springs
    Hinkley High School Aurora
    John F. Kennedy High School Denver
    Lakewood High School Lakewood
    Littleton High School Littleton
    Loveland High School Loveland
    Niwot Højskole Niwot
    Northfield High School Denver
    Palisade Højskole Palisade
    Poudre Højskole Fort Collins
    Pueblo East High School By
    Pueblo West High School Pueblo West
    Rampart High School Colorado Springs
    Riffelhøjskole Riffel
    Smoky Hill High School Aurora
    Standley Lake High School Westminster
    Summit High School Breckenridge
    Telluride Mountain School Telluride
    Thornton High School Thornton
    ThunderRidge High School Highlands Ranch
    Westminster High School Westminster
    William J. Palmer High School Colorado Springs



    Brien McMahon High School Norwalk
    Cheshire Academy Cheshire
    Connecticut IB Academy East Hartford
    Guilford High School Guilford
    Notre Dame High School West Haven
    Robert E Fitch Senior High School Groton
    Stamford High School Stamford
    The Metropolitan Learning Center Interdistrict Magnet School Bloomfield
    Valley Regional High School Deep River


    Mount Pleasant High School Wilmington
    Sussex Academy Georgetown
    Sussex Central High School Georgetown
    John Dickinson-skolen Wilmington
    Wilmington Friends School Wilmington

    District of Columbia

    Benjamin A Banneker Academic High School
    British International School of Washington
    DC International School
    Østre Seniorgymnasium
    National Collegiate Forberedende Public Charter High School
    Washington International School
    Whittle Skole



    Allen D. Nease High School Gå grøn
    Alonso High School Tampa
    American Youth Academy Tampa
    Atlantic Community High School Delray Strand
    Boca Prep International School Boca Raton
    Boyd Anderson High School Lauderdale Lakes
    C Leon King High School Tampa
    Cape Coral High School Cape Coral
    Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart Miami
    Carrollwood Day School Tampa
    Festhøjskole Fest
    Choctawhatchee High School Fort Walton Beach
    Clearwater Central Catholic High School Rent vand
    Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School Cocoa Beach
    Coral Gables Senior High School Koralgavle
    Coral Reef High School Miami
    Cypress Creek High School Orlando
    Deerfield Beach High School Deerfield Beach
    Deland High School DeLand
    Downton Doral Charter Øverst Skole Doral
    Dunbar High School Fort Myers
    Eastside High School Gainesville
    Evans High School Orlando
    Flagler Palm Coast High School Palmekysten
    Forest Hill Community High School West Palm Beach
    Fort Myers High School Fort Myers
    Franklin Academy - Pembroke Pines MS/HS Pembroke Pines
    G-Star School of the Arts for film, animation og scenekunst Lake Worth
    Gateway High School (Osceola School District) Kissimmee
    Gulf High School Ny Port Richey
    Gulliver Forberedende Skole Miami
    Haines City High School Haines by
    Hillsborough High School Tampa
    International Baccalaureate School ved Bartow High School Bartow
    James S. Rickards High School Tallahassee
    John A. Ferguson Senior High School Miami
    Jones High School Orlando
    Lake Wales High School Lake Wales
    Lake Weir High School Ocala
    Land O' Lakes High School Land O' Lakes
    Largo Gymnasium Lang
    Lecanto High School Lecanto
    Lincoln Park Academy Fort Pierce
    Melbourne High School Melbourne
    Miami Beach Senior High School Miami Strand
    Miramar High School Miramar
    Ny Portskole Sarasota
    North Broward Prep School Coconut Creek
    North Miami Senior High School North Miami
    Pahokee Middle Senior High School Pludselig
    Palm Harbor University High School Palm Harbor
    Palmer Trinity School Miami
    Paxon School for Advanced Studies Jacksonville
    Pedro Menendez High School Sankt Augustin
    Pensacola High School Pensacola
    Plantagegymnasiet Plantage
    Port St. Lucie High School Port St. Lucie
    Ridgeview High School Academy for Advanced Studies Orange Park
    Riverdale High School Fort Myers
    Riverview High School Sarasota
    Robinson High School Tampa
    Royal Palm Beach Skole Royal Palm Beach
    Rutherford High School Panama City
    Sankt Andreas Skole Boca Raton
    Samuel W. Wolfson High School Jacksonville
    Sarasota Militærakademi Sarasota
    Sebastian River High School Sebastian
    Sebring Højskole Sebring
    Seminole High School Sanford
    South Dade Senior High School Husmandssted
    South Fork High School Stuart
    Sydøstgymnasiet Bradenton
    Springstead High School Spring Hill
    Spruce Creek High School Port Orange
    St. Petersborg Gymnasium Sankt Petersborg
    Stanton College Preparatory School Jacksonville
    Strawberry Crest High School Dover
    Suncoast Community High School Riviera Strand
    Terry Parker High School Jacksonville
    Universitetsgymnasiet Orlando
    Vanguard High School Ocala
    Venice High School Venedig
    William T. Dwyer High School Palm Beach Gardens
    Windermere Preparatory School Windermere
    Winter Park High School Vinter Park
    Winter Springs High School Vinter Park



    Academy of Richmond County Augusta
    Alpharetta High School Alpharetta
    Atlanta International School Atlanta
    Benjamin H Hardaway High School Columbus
    Brandon Hall skole Atlanta
    Campbell High School Smyrna
    Carrollton High School Carrollton
    Centennial High School Roswell
    Central High School, Macon Macon
    Dalton High School Dalton
    Decatur High School Decatur
    Douglas County High School Douglasville
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. High School Lithonia
    Druid Hills High School Atlanta
    Dublin High School Dublin
    Jackson County Comprehensive High School Jefferson
    Johnson High School Gainesville
    Lakeside High School Evans
    Marietta gymnasiet Marietta
    Maynard H. Jackson High School Atlanta
    Montessori Academy Sharon Springs Cumming
    Morgan County High School Madison
    Norcross Gymnasium Norcross
    North Atlanta High School Atlanta
    Nordhal Højskole Gainesville
    Notre Dame Akademiet Duluth
    Riverwood International Charter School Atlanta
    Sandy Creek High School Tyrone
    Shiloh High School Snellville
    Sol C. Johnson High School Savanne
    Syd Forsyth Gymnasium Cumming
    St. Andreas Skole Savanne
    Tucker High School Tucker
    Valdosta High School Valdosta
    Vestsals Højskole Egetræ
    Westlake High School Atlanta


    Henry J. Kaiser High School Honolulu
    James Campbell High School Ewa Strand
    Haveakademiet To
    Mid-Pacific Institute Honolulu



    North Star Charter School Ørn
    Renæssancegymnasiet Meridian
    Riverstone International School Boise
    Sage International School of Boise Boise


    Bagsiden af ​​Yards College Forberedende Gymnasium Chicago
    Beacon Academy Evanston
    Benito Juarez Community Academy Chicago
    Bogan Computer Teknisk Gymnasium Chicago
    British International School of Chicago, South Loop Chicago
    Bronzeville Scholastic Institute Chicago
    Carl Schurz Gymnasium Chicago
    David G. Farragut Career Academy High School Chicago
    Daystar Academy Chicago
    DePaul College Prep Chicago
    GEMS World Academy - Chicago Chicago
    George Washington High School Chicago
    Hansberry College Prep Chicago
    Homewood-Flossmoor High School District 233 Flossmoor
    Hubbard High School Chicago
    Hyde Park Academy Chicago
    John F. Kennedy High School Chicago
    Lincoln Park High School Chicago
    Lycee Francais af Chicago Chicago
    Mansueto High School Chicago
    Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School Chicago
    Morgan Park High School Chicago
    Nicholas Senn High School Chicago
    Prosser Career Academy Chicago
    Forbehold Math and Science Academy Skovparken
    Forbehold West High School Hillside
    Richwoods High School Peoria
    Roald Amundsen Højskole Chicago
    Roberto Clemente Community Academy Chicago
    South Shore International College Prep High School Chicago
    St. Laurence High School Burbank
    Steinmetz College Prep High School Chicago
    Ogden International School of Chicago Chicago
    Thomas Kelly High School Chicago
    Thornridge High School Dolton
    Thornton Township High School Harvey
    Thornwood High School Sydholland
    Trinity College Preparatory High School Flod Skov
    William Howard Taft High School Chicago



    Carmel High School Carmel
    Katedralhøjskolen Indianapolis
    Chesterton High School Chesterton
    Fiskerhøjskolen Fiskere
    Floyd Central High School Floyd Knobs
    Gosen Gymnasium Goshen
    International School of Indiana Indianapolis
    John Adams High School South Bend
    Kokomo High School Kokomo
    Lawrence Central High School Indianapolis
    Lawrence North High School Indianapolis
    Nordlige Midthøjskole Indianapolis
    Northridge High School Middlebury
    Pike High School Indianapolis
    Saint Theodore Guerin High School Noblesville
    Shortridge High School Indianapolis
    Signaturskolen Evansville
    South Side High School, Fort Wayne Fort Wayne
    Valparaiso High School Valparaiso


    Østre Højskole Waterloo
    Vestre Højskole Waterloo



    Campus Gymnasium Wichita
    Hutchinson High School Hutchinson
    Shawnee Mission East High School Shawnee Mission
    Shawnee Mission North High School Overland Park
    Shawnee Mission Northwest High School Shawnee
    Sumner Academy of Arts and Science Kansas City
    Washburn Rural High School Topeka
    Wichita High School Øst Wichita


    Atherton High School Louisville
    Holmes High School Covington
    Sacred Heart Academy Louisville
    Tates Creek High School Lexington



    Baton Rouge International School Baton Rouge
    Hammond High Magnet School Hammond
    International High School i New Orleans New Orleans
    John Ehret High School Marrero
    Louisiana State University Laboratory School Baton Rouge
    Morris Jeff Community School New Orleans
    Riverdale High School Jefferson


    Foxcroft Academy Dover Foxcroft
    Grey-New Gloucester High School Grå
    Greely Gymnasium Cumberland
    Kennebunk High School Kennebunk


    Albert Einstein High School Kensington
    Annapolis High School Annapolis
    Ærkebiskop Spalding Højskole Severn
    Baltimore City College Baltimore
    Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Bethesda
    Central High School, Capitol Heights Capitol Heights
    Crossland High School Temple Hills
    Edgewood High School Edgewood
    Frederick Douglass High School Øvre Marlboro
    John F. Kennedy High School Sølv forår
    Kenwood High School Baltimore
    Laurel High School Laurel
    Maryland International School Elkridge
    Meade Senior High School Fort Meade
    New Town High School Owings Mills
    North Hagerstown High School Hagerstown
    Gamle Møllehøjskole Millersville
    Our Lady of Good Counsel High School Olney
    Parkdale High School Riverdale
    Richard Montgomery High School Rockville
    Rochambeau, Den Franske Internationale Skole Bethesda
    Rockville High School Rockville
    Seneca Valley High School Germantown
    Springbrook High School Sølv forår
    Springdale Preparatory School Ny Windsor
    St. Pauls Skole Brooklandville
    Timoteusskolen Stevenson
    Suitland High School Forestville
    Calverton-skolen Jagtby
    Urbana High School Ijamsville
    Watkins Mill High School Gaithersburg



    Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public School Worcester
    British International School of Boston Boston
    Brockton High School Brockton
    Eagle Hill skole Hardwick
    International School of Boston Cambridge
    Josiah Quincy Øvre Skole Boston
    Marthas Vineyard Public Charter School West Tisbury
    Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Malden
    Nauset Regionsgymnasium Eastham
    Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School Hadley
    Quabbin Regional High School Barre
    Snowden International School i Copley Boston
    Stoneleigh-Burnham Skole Greenfield
    Sturgis Charterskole Hyannis
    Newman-skolen Boston
    Wareham High School Wareham


    Adrian High School Adrian
    Algonac JR/SR High School Clay Township
    Bloomfield Hills High School Bloomfield Hills
    Cass Tekniske Gymnasium Detroit
    Charyl Stockwell Preparatory Academy Brighton
    Byens Højskole Grand Rapids
    Clarkston High School Clarkston
    Detroit Country Day School Beverly Hills
    Detroit Edison Public School Academy Detroit
    Dexter High School Dexter
    East Grand Rapids High School Grand Rapids
    Farmington High School Farmington Hills
    Fenton Senior High School Fenton
    Gene L. Klida Utica Akademi for Internationale Studier Sterling Heights
    H. H. Dow Gymnasium Midland
    Huron High School Ann Arbor
    Internationale Akademi Bloomfield Hills
    International Academy of Macomb Macomb County
    Lansing Østre Gymnasium Lansing
    Midland High School Midland
    Northville High School orthville
    Notre Dame Preparatory School og Marist Academy Pontiac
    Novi High School Ny
    Oxford High School Oxford
    Plymouth High School Kanton
    Portage Central High School Portage
    Portage Northern High School Portage
    Renæssancegymnasiet Detroit
    Royal Oak High School Royal Oak
    Southfield High School for the Arts and Technology Southfield
    Spring Lake High School Spring Lake
    Walled Lake Western High School Walled Lake
    Washtenaw International High School Ypsilanti
    West Ottawa High School Holland



    Central High School, St. Paul St. Paul
    Champlin Park High School Champlin
    Fridley High School Fridley
    Grand Rapids Senior High School Grand Rapids
    Great River School St. Paul
    Harding Højskole St. Paul
    Highland Park Senior High School St. Paul
    Lakes International Language Academy Skovvej
    Minneapolis Southwest High School Minneapolis
    Minnetonka High School Minnetonka
    Park Center Senior High School Brooklyn Park
    Park High School Cottage Grove
    Patrick Henry Senior High School Minneapolis
    Robbinsdale Cooper High School Nyt håb
    Rockford High School Rockford
    Roosevelt High School Minneapolis
    South Saint Paul High School Syd St. Paul
    St. Louis Park Senior High School St. Louis
    Thomas Edison High School Minneapolis
    Washburn High School Minneapolis


    Jim Hill High School Jackson
    Ocean Springs High School Ocean Springs



    Akademi Lafayette Kansas City
    Camdenton High School Camdenton
    Central High School, Springfield Springfield
    Lees Summit High School Lees topmøde
    Lees Summit North High School Lees topmøde
    Lees Summit West High School Lees topmøde
    Lincoln College Preparatory Academy Kansas City
    Lindbergh High School St. Louis
    KORT St. Louis St. Louis
    McCluer North High School Florissant
    Metro Akademisk & Klassisk Gymnasium St. Louis
    North Kansas City High School North Kansas City
    Ozark High School i Ozark R-6 skoledistrikt Ozark
    Raymore-Peculiar High School Ejendommelige


    Big Sky High School Missoula
    Flathead High School Kalispell
    Hellgate High School Missoula
    Lone Peak High School Gallatin Gateway


    Lincoln High School Lincoln
    Millard North High School Omaha
    Omaha Central High School Omaha



    tilføje til et array i java
    Grundakademiet for Internationale Studier Henderson
    Earl Wooster High School Reno
    Green Valley High School Henderson
    Palo Verde High School Las Vegas
    Spring Valley High School Las Vegas
    Valley High School Las Vegas

    New Hampshire

    Bedford High School Bedford
    New Hampton skole Ny Hampton.

    New Jersey

    Bergens Amts Akademier Hackensack
    Bioteknologisk Gymnasium Frieje
    Donovan katolik Toms River
    East Side High School Newark
    Fort Lee High School Fort Lee
    Freehold Township High School Frieje
    Howell High School Farmingdale
    International High School Paterson
    Linden Højskole Linden
    Morris Knolls High School Rockaway
    Newark Academy Livingston
    Red Bank Regional High School Lille Sølv
    Salem High School Salem
    Science Park High School Newark
    Shore Regional High School West Long Branch
    West Morris Central High School Chester
    West Morris Mendham High School Mendham

    Ny mexico


    Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School Albuquerque
    Mandela International Magnet School Santa Fe
    Navajo forberedende skole Farmington
    Sandia High School Albuquerque
    UWC USA Montezuma

    New York

    Albany High School Albany
    Ærkebiskop Walsh High School Olean
    Baccalaureate School for Global Education Astoria
    Ballston Spa High School Ballston Spa
    Bay Shore High School Bay Shore
    BELA Charterskole Brooklyn
    Binghamton High School Binghamton
    Biskop Ludden Ungdomsskole Syracuse
    Bloomfield High School East Bloomfield
    Boerum Hill School for International Studies Brooklyn
    Bronx Early College Academy Bronx
    Brooklyn Friends School Brooklyn
    Brooklyn Prospect Charter School Brooklyn
    Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart Bøffel
    Canandaigua Academy Canandaigua
    Center Moriches High School Center Moriches
    Churchville-Chili Senior High School Churchville
    Byens Æresskole Bøffel
    Clarkstown High School North Ny By
    Clarkstown Senior High School South West Nyack
    Commack High School Commack
    Corning-malet postgymnasium Corning
    Curtis High School Staten Island
    Cypress Hills Collegiate Preparatory High School Brooklyn
    Dobbs Ferry High School Dobbs færge
    Dwight Skole New York City
    Eastridge High School Rochester
    EF Academy - Thornwood Thornwood
    French-American School of New York Mamaroneck
    Greenville Central School Greenville
    Harlem Village Academies High New York City
    Harrison High School Harrison
    Hauppauge Gymnasium Hauppauge
    Hilton High School Hilton
    James A. Beneway High School Ontario Center
    John Adams High School Ozon Park
    Kenmore East High School Tonawanda
    Kenmore West High School Bøffel
    Khalil Gibran International Academy Brooklyn
    Knowledge & Power Preparatory Academy (KAPPA) International Bronx
    Guglielmo Marconi-skolen i Italien New York City
    Léman Manhattan Preparatory School New York City
    Locust Valley High School Locust Valley
    Long Beach High School Lido Strand
    Lyceum Kennedy - Franskamerikansk skole New York City
    Massena Central High School Massena
    Mott Hall Bronx High School Bronx
    Mount Vernon High School Mount Vernon
    North Shore High School Glen Head
    Northport High School Northport
    Palmyra-Macedon High School Palmyra
    Pierson High School Sag Harbor
    Port Chester High School Port Chester
    Portledge Skole Locust Valley
    Putnam Valley High School Putnam Valley
    Queensbury High School Queensbury
    Red Hook Central High School Rød krog
    Saint Edmund Preparatory High School Brooklyn
    Schenectady High School Schenectady
    Somers High School Lincolndale
    Sydside Gymnasium Rockville Center
    Brooklyn Latin School Brooklyn
    Clinton-skolen New York City
    Gymnasiet for Virksomhed, Erhverv og Teknologi Brooklyn
    Thomas J Corcoran High School Syracuse
    FN's internationale skole New York City
    Vestal Højskole Vestal
    West Islip High School West Islip
    Wilson Magnet High School Rochester
    Woodlands High School Hartsdale
    Yonkers Middle/High School Yonkers

    North Carolina


    Ben L. Smith High School Greensboro
    British International School of Charlotte Charlotte
    Cedar Ridge High School Hillsborough
    Charlotte Country Day School Charlotte
    Concord High School Concord
    East Mecklenburg High School Charlotte
    Garner Magnet High School Garner
    Grimsley High School Greensboro
    Harding Universitetsgymnasium Charlotte
    High Point Central High School Højdepunkt
    Hillside High School Durham
    Jacksonville High School Jacksonville
    John T. Hoggard High School Wilmington
    Kinston High School Kinston
    Lee County High School Sanford
    Marvin Ridge High School Waxhaw
    Millbrook High School Raleigh
    Myers Park High School Charlotte
    Needham B Broughton High School Raleigh
    North Mecklenburg High School Huntersville
    Parkland High School Winston-Salem
    Ralph L Fike High School Wilson
    Reidsville High School Reidsville
    Rocky Mount High School Rocky Mount
    Smithfield-Selma High School Smithfield
    South Iredell High School Statesville
    South View High School Hope Mills
    Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School Raleigh
    Montessoriskolen i Raleigh Durham
    W.G. Enloe High School Raleigh
    Walter Hines Page High School Greensboro
    Walter M. Williams High School Burlington
    West Cabarrus High School Concord
    West Charlotte High School Charlotte

    North Dakota

    Ingen IB-skoler



    Beaumont skole Cleveland Heights
    Campus International High School Cleveland
    Columbus Alternative High School Columbus
    Dublin Coffman High School Dublin
    Dublin Scioto High School Dublin
    Emerald Campus Dublin City skoler Dublin
    Fairmont High School Kettering
    Firestone High School Akron
    GlenOak High School Kanton
    Notre Dame Akademiet Toledo
    Oberlin High School Oberlin
    Princeton High School Cincinnati
    Purcell Marian High School Cincinnati
    Shaker Heights High School Shaker Heights
    Springfield High School Springfield
    St. Edward High School Lakewood
    Tri-County International Academy Wooster
    Upper Arlington High School Øvre Arlington
    Westerville South High School Westerville
    Westlake High School Westlake
    Worthington Kilbourne High School Columbus


    Booker T. Washington High School Tulsa
    Classen School of Advanced Studies Oklahoma City



    Bend Senior High School Bøje
    Cleveland High School Portland
    Eugene International High School Eugene
    Gresham High School Gresham
    Hillsboro High School Hillsboro
    International School of Beaverton Beaverton
    Lincoln High School Portland
    Mountainside High School Beaverton
    Newport High School Newport
    North Eugene High School Eugene
    Rex Putnam High School Milwaukie
    South Salem High School Salem
    Southridge High School Beaverton
    Sunset High School Portland
    Tualatin High School Tualatin
    Willamette Højskole Eugene
    Woodburn High School Træbrænding


    Barack Obama Academy of International Studies Pittsburgh
    Central Gymnasium Philadelphia
    Chambersburg Area Senior High School Chambersburg
    Cumberland Valley High School Mechanicsburg
    Downington STEM Academy Downingtown
    George Skole Ny by
    George Washington High School Philadelphia
    Harrisburg Academy Wormleysburg
    Harrison High School Rosemont
    Hill-Freedman World Academy Philadelphia
    J.P. McCaskey High School Lancaster
    Lehigh Valley Academy Regional Charter School Betlehem
    Manheim Township High School Lancaster
    Mercyhurst Preparatory School Erie
    Nordøstgymnasiet Philadelphia
    Philadelphia High School for Girls Philadelphia
    School Lane Charter School Bensalem
    State College Area High School, Pennsylvania Statshøjskolen
    Øvre St. Clair High School Pittsburgh
    William W. Bodine High School for International Affairs Philadelphia

    Rhode Island


    St. Andrew's School (RI) Barrington
    Proutskolen Wakefield

    South Carolina

    A.C. Flora High School Columbia
    Aynor High School Aynor
    Christ Church Episcopal School Greenville
    Fort Dorchester High School North Charleston
    Greer Højskole Greer
    Hartsville High School Hartsville
    Hilton Head High School Hilton Head Island
    Irmo High School International School for the Arts Columbia
    James Island Charter High School Charleston
    Latta Højskole Latta
    Lexington High School Lexington
    Lowcountry Forberedende Skole Pawleys Island
    Lower Richland High School Hopkins
    Nordvestgymnasiet Rock Hill
    Richland Northeast High School Columbia
    Rock Hill High School Rock Hill
    Socastee High School Myrtle Beach
    South Pointe High School Rock Hill
    Southside High School Greenville
    Sumter High School Sumter
    Rejsende Rest High School Rejsende Rest
    Wilson High School Firenze
    Woodmont High School Piemonte

    South Dakota

    Ingen IB-skoler



    Antiokia gymnasiet Antiokia
    Cookeville High School Cookeville
    East Nashville Magnet High School Nashville
    Franklin High School Franklin
    Germantown High School Germantown
    Hillsboro Comprehensive High School Nashville
    Hunters Lane High School Nashville
    Lausanne Kollegieskole Memphis
    Oakland High School Murfreesboro
    Ridgeway High School Memphis
    Signal Mountain Middle / High School Signalbjerget
    Vestre Højskole Knoxville


    Alcuin skole Dallas
    Allen High School Allen
    Amarillo High School/AISD Gul
    Andres Højskole Trin
    Arlington High School Arlington
    Awty International School Houston
    Bellaire High School Bellaire
    Cesar E. Chavez High School Houston
    Coppell High School Coppell
    Coronado High School Trin
    Cunae International School LLC Forår
    Dallas Internationale Skole Dallas
    Denton High School Denton
    DeSoto High School DeSoto
    Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Houston
    El Dorado High School Trin
    Frisco High School Frisco
    Garland High School Garland
    Headwaters Skole Austin
    Heights High School Houston
    Hillcrest High School Dallas
    Hirschi Gymnasium Wichita Falls
    Ydmyg Højskole Harris
    IDEA College Prep Brownsville Brownsville
    IDEA College Forberedende Donna
    IDEA College forberedende McAllen McAllen
    IDEA Frontier College Preparatory School Brownsville
    IDEA South Flores College forberedende Sankt Antonius
    Forestil dig International Academy of North Texas McKinney
    Jack Yates Sr. High School Houston
    James Bowie High School Arlington
    Judson High School Samtale
    KIPP University Prep Sankt Antonius
    Klein Oak High School Forår
    L.C. Anderson High School Austin
    Lamar Akademiet McAllen
    Lawrence D. Bell High School Hurst
    Leander Højskole Leander
    Longview High School Longview
    Lubbock High School Lubbock
    Luther Burbank High School Sankt Antonius
    Lycee International de Houston Houston
    Magnolia High School Magnolia
    Magnolia West High School Magnolia
    Manara Leadership Academy Irving
    Meridian skole Round Rock
    Mirabeau B. Lamar Senior High School Houston
    Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar High School Arlington
    North Hills Forberedende Irving
    Odessa High School Odessa
    Plano East Senior High School Flad
    Ranchview High School Irving
    Rockwall High School Rockwall
    Rockwall-Heath High School Heath
    Sam Houston High School Arlington
    Samuel Clemens High School Schertz
    Sci-Tech High School Austin
    Sharpstown International School Houston
    South Texas ISD World Scholars Edinburg
    Stony Point High School Round Rock
    Temple High School Tempel
    Den britiske internationale skole i Houston Houston
    Post Oak-skolen Bellaire
    Landsbyskolen Houston
    Westwood-skolen Dallas
    The Woodlands Preparatory School, LLC Tomball
    Thomas Jefferson High School Sankt Antonius
    Travis B. Bryan High School Bryan
    Trinity High School Euless
    Uplift Atlas Forberedende Dallas
    Opløft Grand Preparatory School Grand Prairie
    Uplift Hampton forberedende Dallas
    Uplift Infinity Forberedende Irving
    Opløft Luna Forberedende Dallas
    Opløft Mægtige Forberedende Fort Worth
    Forberedende opløftet topmøde Arlington
    Løft White Rock Hills Dallas
    Uplift Wisdom High School Dallas
    Vandegrift Højskole Austin
    W.B. Ray High School Kristi legeme
    Westchester Academy for International Studies Houston
    Western Hills High School Fort Worth
    Westlake Academy Westlake
    Westwood High School Austin
    Williams forberedende Dallas
    Woodrow Wilson High School Dallas



    Bountiful High School Rigelig
    Clearfield High School Clearfield
    Highland High School Salt Lake City
    Hillcrest High School Midvale
    Ogden Højskole Ogden
    Providence Hall Charter School Herriman
    Skyline High School Salt Lake City
    Walden School of Liberal Arts Provo
    Weber Gymnasium Behagelig udsigt
    Vestre Højskole Salt Lake City
    West Jordan High School Vest Jordan


    Langsti skole Dorset
    Middlebury Union High School Middlebury



    konverter str til int
    Annandale High School Annandale
    Atlee High School Mechanicsville
    Brooke Point High School Stafford
    Clarke County High School Berryville
    Community Lab School Charlottesville
    Galileo Magnet High School Danville
    Gar-Field Senior High School Woodbridge
    George C. Marshall High School Falls Kirke
    Granby Højskole Norfolk
    Green Run Collegiate Virginia Beach
    Hampton High School Hampton
    Hannover High School Mechanicsville
    Henrico Gymnasium Richmond
    James Monroe High School Fredericksburg
    James W. Robinson, Jr. Secondary School Fairfax
    John R. Lewis High School Springfield
    John Randolph Tucker High School Henrico
    Justice High School Falls Kirke
    Kong Abdullah Akademi Herndon
    King's Fork High School Suffolk
    Meadowbrook High School Richmond
    Mechanicsville High School Mechanicsville
    Meridian High School Falls Kirke
    Midlothian High School Midlothian
    Mount Vernon High School Alexandria
    Mountain View High School Stafford
    Oscar F. Smith High School Chesapeake
    Patrick Henry High School Ashland
    Prinsesse Anne gymnasiet Virginia Beach
    Salem High School Salem
    South Lakes High School Hvile på
    Spotsylvania High School Spotsylvanien
    Haag Skole Norfolk
    Thomas Alva Edison High School Alexandria
    Thomas Jefferson High School Richmond
    Trinity Episcopal School Richmond
    Unity Reed High School Manassas
    Warwick High School Newport News
    Washington - Liberty High School Arlington
    Williamsburg Christian Academy Williamsburg
    York High School Yorktown



    A.C. Davis Senior High School Yakima
    Annie Wright skoler Tacoma
    Hovedstadens Højskole Olympia
    Chief Sealth High School Seattle
    Columbia River High School Vancouver
    Edmonds-Woodway High School Edmonds
    Henry Foss Gymnasium Tacoma
    Inglemoor High School Kenmore
    Ingraham High School Seattle
    Interlake High School Bellevue
    Kennewick High School Kennewick
    Kent-Meridian High School Kent
    Generalløjtnant William H. Harrison Preparatory School Lakewood
    Mt. Rainier High School Munke
    Rainier Beach High School Seattle
    Renton High School Renton
    Sankt Georgs skole Spokane
    Skyline High School Sammamish
    Sumner High School Sumner
    Thomas Jefferson High School Auburn
    Washington Preparatory School Bothell
    West Sound Academy Poulsbo
    Willows Forberedende Skole Redmond

    West Virginia

    South Charleston High School South Charleston



    Bay Port High School Green Bay
    Casimir Pulaski High School Milwaukee
    Catholic Memorial High School Waukesha
    Green Bay West High School Green Bay
    Green Lake Public School Grøn Sø
    Isthmus Montessori Academy Public Madison
    Jerome I. Case High School Racine
    Lincoln High School Manitowoc
    MacDowell Montessori Skole Milwaukee
    Madison Country Day School Waukee
    Notre Dame de la Baie Academy Green Bay
    Oconomowoc High School Oconomowoc
    Ronald Reagan High School Milwaukee
    Rufus King International High School Milwaukee
    Wausau East High School Wausau


    Cheyenne East High School Cheyenne
    Bjergakademi Jackson
    Natrona County High School Casper

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