
C++ Copy Constructor

En kopikonstruktør er en overbelastet konstruktør bruges til at erklære og initialisere et objekt fra et andet objekt.

Copy Constructor er af to typer:

    Standard kopikonstruktør:Compileren definerer standardkopikonstruktøren. Hvis brugeren ikke definerer nogen kopikonstruktør, leverer compiler sin konstruktør.Brugerdefineret konstruktør:Programmøren definerer den brugerdefinerede konstruktør.
C++ Copy Constructor

Syntaks for brugerdefineret kopikonstruktør:

 Class_name(const class_name &old_object); 

Overvej følgende situation:

groovy computersprog
 class A { A(A &x) // copy constructor. { // copyconstructor. } } 

I ovenstående tilfælde, kopikonstruktør kan kaldes på følgende måder:

C++ Copy Constructor

Lad os se et simpelt eksempel på kopikonstruktøren.

// program for kopikonstruktøren.

 #include using namespace std; class A { public: int x; A(int a) // parameterized constructor. { x=a; } A(A &amp;i) // copy constructor { x = i.x; } }; int main() { A a1(20); // Calling the parameterized constructor. A a2(a1); // Calling the copy constructor. cout&lt; <a2.x; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> 20 </pre> <h2>When Copy Constructor is called</h2> <p>Copy Constructor is called in the following scenarios:</p> <ul> <li>When we initialize the object with another existing object of the same class type. For example, Student s1 = s2, where Student is the class.</li> <li>When the object of the same class type is passed by value as an argument.</li> <li>When the function returns the object of the same class type by value.</li> </ul> <h2>Two types of copies are produced by the constructor:</h2> <ul> <li>Shallow copy</li> <li>Deep copy</li> </ul> <h2>Shallow Copy</h2> <ul> <li>The default copy constructor can only produce the shallow copy.</li> <li>A Shallow copy is defined as the process of creating the copy of an object by copying data of all the member variables as it is.</li> </ul> <p>Let&apos;s understand this through a simple example:</p> <pre> #include using namespace std; class Demo { int a; int b; int *p; public: Demo() { p=new int; } void setdata(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; *p=z; } void showdata() { std::cout &lt;&lt; &apos;value of a is : &apos; &lt; <a<< std::endl; std::cout << 'value of b is : ' < <b<< *p <<*p<< } }; int main() { demo d1; d1.setdata(4,5,7); d2="d1;" d2.showdata(); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> value of a is : 4 value of b is : 5 value of *p is : 7 </pre> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/75/c-copy-constructor-3.webp" alt="C++ Copy Constructor"> <p>In the above case, a programmer has not defined any constructor, therefore, the statement <strong>Demo d2 = d1;</strong> calls the default constructor defined by the compiler. The default constructor creates the exact copy or shallow copy of the existing object. Thus, the pointer p of both the objects point to the same memory location. Therefore, when the memory of a field is freed, the memory of another field is also automatically freed as both the fields point to the same memory location. This problem is solved by the <strong>user-defined constructor</strong> that creates the <strong>Deep copy</strong> .</p> <h2>Deep copy</h2> <p>Deep copy dynamically allocates the memory for the copy and then copies the actual value, both the source and copy have distinct memory locations. In this way, both the source and copy are distinct and will not share the same memory location. Deep copy requires us to write the user-defined constructor.</p> <p>Let&apos;s understand this through a simple example.</p> <pre> #include using namespace std; class Demo { public: int a; int b; int *p; Demo() { p=new int; } Demo(Demo &amp;d) { a = d.a; b = d.b; p = new int; *p = *(d.p); } void setdata(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; *p=z; } void showdata() { std::cout &lt;&lt; &apos;value of a is : &apos; &lt; <a<< std::endl; std::cout << 'value of b is : ' < <b<< *p <<*p<< } }; int main() { demo d1; d1.setdata(4,5,7); d2="d1;" d2.showdata(); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> value of a is : 4 value of b is : 5 value of *p is : 7 </pre> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/75/c-copy-constructor-4.webp" alt="C++ Copy Constructor"> <p>In the above case, a programmer has defined its own constructor, therefore the statement <strong>Demo d2 = d1;</strong> calls the copy constructor defined by the user. It creates the exact copy of the value types data and the object pointed by the pointer p. Deep copy does not create the copy of a reference type variable.</p> <h2>Differences b/w Copy constructor and Assignment operator(=)</h2> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Copy Constructor</th> <th>Assignment Operator</th> </tr> <tr> <td>It is an overloaded constructor.</td> <td>It is a bitwise operator.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>It initializes the new object with the existing object.</td> <td>It assigns the value of one object to another object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Syntax of copy constructor: <br> Class_name(const class_name &amp;object_name) <br> { <br> // body of the constructor. <br> }</td> <td>Syntax of Assignment operator: <br> Class_name a,b; <br> b = a;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><ul> <li>The <strong>copy constructor</strong> is invoked when the new object is initialized with the existing object.</li> <li>The object is passed as an argument to the function.</li> <li>It returns the object.</li> </ul></td> <td>The <strong>assignment operator</strong> is invoked when we assign the existing object to a new object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the different memory locations.</td> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the same memory location.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>If a programmer does not define the copy constructor, the compiler will automatically generate the implicit default copy constructor. </td> <td>If we do not overload the &apos;=&apos; operator, the bitwise copy will occur.</td> </tr> </table> <hr></a<<></pre></a<<></pre></a2.x;>

Når Copy Constructor kaldes

Copy Constructor kaldes i følgende scenarier:

  • Når vi initialiserer objektet med et andet eksisterende objekt af samme klassetype. For eksempel Elev s1 = s2, hvor Elev er klassen.
  • Når objektet af samme klassetype sendes af værdi som et argument.
  • Når funktionen returnerer objektet af samme klassetype efter værdi.

To typer kopier fremstilles af konstruktøren:

  • Overfladisk kopi
  • Dyb kopi

Overfladisk kopi

  • Standardkopikonstruktøren kan kun producere den overfladiske kopi.
  • En lavvandet kopi er defineret som processen med at skabe kopien af ​​et objekt ved at kopiere data fra alle medlemsvariablerne, som de er.

Lad os forstå dette gennem et simpelt eksempel:

 #include using namespace std; class Demo { int a; int b; int *p; public: Demo() { p=new int; } void setdata(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; *p=z; } void showdata() { std::cout &lt;&lt; &apos;value of a is : &apos; &lt; <a<< std::endl; std::cout << \'value of b is : \' < <b<< *p <<*p<< } }; int main() { demo d1; d1.setdata(4,5,7); d2="d1;" d2.showdata(); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> value of a is : 4 value of b is : 5 value of *p is : 7 </pre> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/75/c-copy-constructor-3.webp" alt="C++ Copy Constructor"> <p>In the above case, a programmer has not defined any constructor, therefore, the statement <strong>Demo d2 = d1;</strong> calls the default constructor defined by the compiler. The default constructor creates the exact copy or shallow copy of the existing object. Thus, the pointer p of both the objects point to the same memory location. Therefore, when the memory of a field is freed, the memory of another field is also automatically freed as both the fields point to the same memory location. This problem is solved by the <strong>user-defined constructor</strong> that creates the <strong>Deep copy</strong> .</p> <h2>Deep copy</h2> <p>Deep copy dynamically allocates the memory for the copy and then copies the actual value, both the source and copy have distinct memory locations. In this way, both the source and copy are distinct and will not share the same memory location. Deep copy requires us to write the user-defined constructor.</p> <p>Let&apos;s understand this through a simple example.</p> <pre> #include using namespace std; class Demo { public: int a; int b; int *p; Demo() { p=new int; } Demo(Demo &amp;d) { a = d.a; b = d.b; p = new int; *p = *(d.p); } void setdata(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; *p=z; } void showdata() { std::cout &lt;&lt; &apos;value of a is : &apos; &lt; <a<< std::endl; std::cout << \'value of b is : \' < <b<< *p <<*p<< } }; int main() { demo d1; d1.setdata(4,5,7); d2="d1;" d2.showdata(); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> value of a is : 4 value of b is : 5 value of *p is : 7 </pre> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/75/c-copy-constructor-4.webp" alt="C++ Copy Constructor"> <p>In the above case, a programmer has defined its own constructor, therefore the statement <strong>Demo d2 = d1;</strong> calls the copy constructor defined by the user. It creates the exact copy of the value types data and the object pointed by the pointer p. Deep copy does not create the copy of a reference type variable.</p> <h2>Differences b/w Copy constructor and Assignment operator(=)</h2> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Copy Constructor</th> <th>Assignment Operator</th> </tr> <tr> <td>It is an overloaded constructor.</td> <td>It is a bitwise operator.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>It initializes the new object with the existing object.</td> <td>It assigns the value of one object to another object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Syntax of copy constructor: <br> Class_name(const class_name &amp;object_name) <br> { <br> // body of the constructor. <br> }</td> <td>Syntax of Assignment operator: <br> Class_name a,b; <br> b = a;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><ul> <li>The <strong>copy constructor</strong> is invoked when the new object is initialized with the existing object.</li> <li>The object is passed as an argument to the function.</li> <li>It returns the object.</li> </ul></td> <td>The <strong>assignment operator</strong> is invoked when we assign the existing object to a new object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the different memory locations.</td> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the same memory location.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>If a programmer does not define the copy constructor, the compiler will automatically generate the implicit default copy constructor. </td> <td>If we do not overload the &apos;=&apos; operator, the bitwise copy will occur.</td> </tr> </table> <hr></a<<></pre></a<<>
C++ Copy Constructor

I ovenstående tilfælde har en programmør ikke defineret nogen konstruktør, derfor sætningen Demo d2 = d1; kalder standardkonstruktøren defineret af compileren. Standardkonstruktøren opretter den nøjagtige kopi eller overfladisk kopi af det eksisterende objekt. Således peger markøren p for begge objekter til den samme hukommelsesplacering. Derfor, når hukommelsen af ​​et felt frigøres, frigives hukommelsen af ​​et andet felt også automatisk, da begge felter peger på den samme hukommelsesplacering. Dette problem løses af brugerdefineret konstruktør der skaber Dyb kopi .

for hver maskinskrift

Dyb kopi

Dyb kopi tildeler dynamisk hukommelsen til kopien og kopierer derefter den faktiske værdi, både kilden og kopien har forskellige hukommelsesplaceringer. På denne måde er både kilden og kopien forskellige og vil ikke dele den samme hukommelsesplacering. Deep copy kræver, at vi skriver den brugerdefinerede konstruktør.

Lad os forstå dette gennem et simpelt eksempel.

 #include using namespace std; class Demo { public: int a; int b; int *p; Demo() { p=new int; } Demo(Demo &amp;d) { a = d.a; b = d.b; p = new int; *p = *(d.p); } void setdata(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; *p=z; } void showdata() { std::cout &lt;&lt; &apos;value of a is : &apos; &lt; <a<< std::endl; std::cout << \'value of b is : \' < <b<< *p <<*p<< } }; int main() { demo d1; d1.setdata(4,5,7); d2="d1;" d2.showdata(); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> value of a is : 4 value of b is : 5 value of *p is : 7 </pre> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/75/c-copy-constructor-4.webp" alt="C++ Copy Constructor"> <p>In the above case, a programmer has defined its own constructor, therefore the statement <strong>Demo d2 = d1;</strong> calls the copy constructor defined by the user. It creates the exact copy of the value types data and the object pointed by the pointer p. Deep copy does not create the copy of a reference type variable.</p> <h2>Differences b/w Copy constructor and Assignment operator(=)</h2> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Copy Constructor</th> <th>Assignment Operator</th> </tr> <tr> <td>It is an overloaded constructor.</td> <td>It is a bitwise operator.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>It initializes the new object with the existing object.</td> <td>It assigns the value of one object to another object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Syntax of copy constructor: <br> Class_name(const class_name &amp;object_name) <br> { <br> // body of the constructor. <br> }</td> <td>Syntax of Assignment operator: <br> Class_name a,b; <br> b = a;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><ul> <li>The <strong>copy constructor</strong> is invoked when the new object is initialized with the existing object.</li> <li>The object is passed as an argument to the function.</li> <li>It returns the object.</li> </ul></td> <td>The <strong>assignment operator</strong> is invoked when we assign the existing object to a new object.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the different memory locations.</td> <td>Both the existing object and new object shares the same memory location.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>If a programmer does not define the copy constructor, the compiler will automatically generate the implicit default copy constructor. </td> <td>If we do not overload the &apos;=&apos; operator, the bitwise copy will occur.</td> </tr> </table> <hr></a<<>
C++ Copy Constructor

I ovenstående tilfælde har en programmør defineret sin egen konstruktør, derfor sætningen Demo d2 = d1; kalder kopikonstruktøren defineret af brugeren. Det opretter den nøjagtige kopi af værditypernes data og objektet, der peges af markøren p. Dyb kopi opretter ikke kopien af ​​en referencetypevariabel.

Forskelle sort/hvid Kopikonstruktør og Opgaveoperator(=)

Kopi konstruktør Opdragsoperatør
Det er en overbelastet konstruktør. Det er en bitwise operatør.
Det initialiserer det nye objekt med det eksisterende objekt. Den tildeler værdien af ​​et objekt til et andet objekt.
Syntaks for kopikonstruktør:
Klassenavn(konst klassenavn &objektnavn)
// konstruktørens krop.
Syntaks for tildelingsoperator:
Klassenavn a,b;
b = a;
  • Det kopi konstruktør kaldes, når det nye objekt initialiseres med det eksisterende objekt.
  • Objektet sendes som et argument til funktionen.
  • Det returnerer objektet.
Det opgaveoperatør påkaldes, når vi tildeler det eksisterende objekt til et nyt objekt.
Både det eksisterende objekt og det nye objekt deler de forskellige hukommelsesplaceringer. Både det eksisterende objekt og det nye objekt deler den samme hukommelsesplacering.
Hvis en programmør ikke definerer kopikonstruktøren, vil compileren automatisk generere den implicitte standardkopikonstruktør. Hvis vi ikke overbelaster '='-operatoren, vil den bitvise kopi forekomme.