
Hvordan opdeles en streng i Java med Delimiter?

I Java, flække streng er en vigtig og normalt brugt operation ved kodning. Java giver flere måder at flække strengen . Men den mest almindelige måde er at bruge split() metode af String-klassen. I dette afsnit vil vi lære hvordan man deler en streng i Java med afgrænser. Sammen med dette vil vi også lære nogle andre metoder til at opdele strengen, såsom brugen af ​​StringTokenizer-klassen, Scanner.useDelimiter() metode . Før vi går over til emnet, lad os forstå hvad er afgrænsning.

Hvad er en afgrænsning?

I Java , afgrænsninger er de tegn, der opdeler (adskiller) strengen i tokens. Java giver os mulighed for at definere alle tegn som afgrænsning. Der er mange strengopdelingsmetoder, der leveres af Java, der bruger blanktegn som afgrænsning. Det blanktegn er standardafgrænsning i Java.

Før vi går til programmet, lad os forstå begrebet streng.

Strengen er opbygget af to typer tekst, der er tokens og afgrænsninger. De tokens er de ord, der er meningsfulde, og afgrænsningerne er de tegn, der opdeler eller adskiller tokens. Lad os forstå det gennem et eksempel.

At forstå afgrænser i Java , vi skal være venlige med Java regulært udtryk . Det er nødvendigt, når afgrænsningstegnet bruges som et specialtegn i de regulære udtryk, som (.) og (|).

Eksempel på afgrænsning

Snor: Javatpoint er den bedste hjemmeside til at lære nye teknologier.

I ovenstående streng er tokens, Javatpoint, er, den, bedste, hjemmeside, at, lære, nye, teknologier , og afgrænsningerne er hvide mellemrum mellem de to tokens.

Hvordan opdeles en streng i Java med Delimiter?

Java giver følgende måde at opdele en streng i tokens:

Brug af Scanner.next()-metoden

Det er metoden i Scanner-klassen. Den finder og returnerer det næste token fra scanneren. Det opdeler strengen i tokens med blanktegn. Det komplette token identificeres af det input, der matcher afgrænsningsmønsteret.


 public String next(); 

Det kaster NoSuchElementException hvis det næste token ikke er tilgængeligt. Den kaster også IllegalStateException hvis inputscanneren er lukket.

Lad os oprette et program, der opdeler et strengobjekt ved hjælp af metoden next(), der bruger mellemrum til at opdele strengen i tokens.


 import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { //declaring a string String str='Javatpoint is the best website to learn new technologies'; //constructor of the Scanner class Scanner sc=new Scanner(str); while (sc.hasNext()) { //invoking next() method that splits the string String tokens=sc.next(); //prints the separated tokens System.out.println(tokens); //closing the scanner sc.close(); } } } 


java gør mens
 Javatpoint is the best website to learn new technologies 

I ovenstående program, et punkt at bemærke, at i konstruktøren af ​​Scanner-klassen i stedet for at bestå System.in har vi bestået en strengvariabel str. Vi har gjort det, fordi før vi manipulerer strengen, skal vi læse strengen.

Brug af String.split()-metoden

Det dele() metoden til Snor klasse bruges til at opdele en streng i en række af strengobjekter baseret på det angivne afgrænsningstegn, der matcher det regulære udtryk. Overvej f.eks. følgende streng:

 String str= 'Welcome,to,the,word,of,technology'; 

Ovenstående streng er adskilt af kommaer. Vi kan opdele strengen ovenfor ved at bruge følgende udtryk:

 String[] tokens=s.split(','); 

Ovenstående udtryk opdeler strengen i tokens, når tokens adskilles af specificeret skilletegn komma (,). Den angivne streng er opdelt i følgende strengobjekter:

 Welcome to the word of technology 

Der er to varianter af split() metoderne:

  • split (regex streng)
  • split (regex streng, int grænse)

String.split(String regex)

Den opdeler strengen i henhold til det angivne regulære udtryks regex. Vi kan bruge et punktum (.), mellemrum ( ), komma (,) og et hvilket som helst tegn (såsom z, a, g, l osv.)


 public String[] split(String regex) 

Metoden analyserer et regulært afgrænsningsudtryk som et argument. Det returnerer en række String-objekter. Det kaster PatternSyntaxException hvis det parsede regulære udtryk har en ugyldig syntaks.

Lad os bruge split()-metoden og opdele strengen med et komma.


 public class SplitStringExample2 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;Life,is,your,creation&apos;; //split string delimited by comma String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;,&apos;); //we can use dot, whitespace, any character //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Life is your creation </pre> <p>In the above example, the string object is delimited by a comma. The split() method splits the string when it finds the comma as a delimiter.</p> <p>Let&apos;s see another example in which we will use multiple delimiters to split the string.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample3.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample3 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;If you don&apos;t like something, change.it.&apos;; //split string by multiple delimiters String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[, . &apos;]+&apos;); //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> If you don t like something change it </pre> <p> <strong>String.split(String regex, int limit)</strong> </p> <p>It allows us to split string specified by delimiter but into a limited number of tokens. The method accepts two parameters regex (a delimiting regular expression) and limit. The limit parameter is used to control the number of times the pattern is applied that affects the resultant array. It returns an array of String objects computed by splitting the given string according to the limit parameter.</p> <p>There is a slight difference between the variant of the split() methods that it limits the number of tokens returned after invoking the method.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String[] split(String regex, int limit) </pre> <p>It throws <strong>PatternSyntaxException</strong> if the parsed regular expression has an invalid syntax.</p> <p>The limit parameter may be positive, negative, or equal to the limit.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample4.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample4 { public static void main(String args[]) { String str1 = &apos;468-567-7388&apos;; String str2 = &apos;Life,is,your,creation&apos;; String str3 = &apos;Hello! how are you?&apos;; String[] stringarray1 = str1.split(&apos;8&apos;,2); System.out.println(&apos;When the limit is positive:&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Number of tokens: &apos;+stringarray1.length); for(int i=0; i<stringarray1.length; i++) { system.out.println(stringarray1[i]); } string[] stringarray2="str2.split(&apos;y&apos;,-3);" system.out.println('
when the limit is negative: '); system.out.println('number of tokens: '+stringarray2.length); for(int i="0;" i<stringarray2.length; system.out.println(stringarray2[i]); stringarray3="str3.split(&apos;!&apos;,0);" equal to 0:'); '+stringarray3.length); i<stringarray3.length; system.out.println(stringarray3[i]); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> When the limit is positive: Number of tokens: 2 46 -567-7388 When the limit is negative: Number of tokens: 2 Life,is, our,creation When the limit is equal to 0: Number of tokens: 2 Hello how are you? </pre> <p>In the above code snippet, we see that:</p> <ul> <li>When the limit is 2, the number of tokens in the string array is two.</li> <li>When the limit is -3, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. It includes the trailing spaces.</li> <li>When the limit is 0, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. In this case, trailing space is omitted.</li> </ul> <h3>Example of Pipe Delimited String</h3> <p>Splitting a string delimited by pipe (|) is a little bit tricky. Because the pipe is a special character in Java regular expression.</p> <p>Let&apos;s create a string delimited by pipe and split it by pipe.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample5.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample5 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;Life|is|your|creation&apos;; //split string delimited by comma String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;|&apos;); //we can use dot, whitespace, any character //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> L i f e | i s | y o u r | c r e a t i o n </pre> <p>In the above example, we see that it does not produce the same output as other delimiter yields. It should produce an array of tokens, <strong>life, yours,</strong> and <strong>creation</strong> , but it is not. It gives the result, as we have seen in the output above.</p> <p>The reason behind it that the regular expression engine interprets the pipe delimiter as a <strong>Logical OR operator</strong> . The regex engine splits the String on empty String.</p> <p>In order to resolve this problem, we must <strong>escape</strong> the pipe character when passed to the split() method. We use the following statement to escape the pipe character:</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;\|&apos;); </pre> <p>Add a pair of <strong>backslash (\)</strong> before the delimiter to escape the pipe. After doing the changes in the above program, the regex engine interprets the pipe character as a delimiter.</p> <p>Another way to escape the pipe character is to put the pipe character inside a pair of square brackets, as shown below. In the Java regex API, the pair of square brackets act as a character class.</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[|]&apos;); </pre> <p>Both the above statements yield the following output:</p> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Life is your creation </pre> <h3>Using StringTokenizer Class</h3> <p>Java <strong>StringTokenizer</strong> is a legacy class that is defined in java.util package. It allows us to split the string into tokens. It is not used by the programmer because the split() method of the String class does the same work. So, the programmer prefers the split() method instead of the StringTokenizer class. We use the following two methods of the class:</p> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()</strong> </p> <p>The method iterates over the string and checks if there are more tokens available in the tokenizer string. It returns true if there is one token is available in the string after the current position, else returns false. It internally calls the <strong>nextToken()</strong> method if it returns true and the nextToken() method returns the token.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public boolean hasMoreTokens() </pre> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.nextToken()</strong> </p> <p>It returns the next token from the string tokenizer. It throws <strong>NoSuchElementException</strong> if the tokens are not available in the string tokenizer.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String nextToken() </pre> <p>Let&apos;s create a program that splits the string using the StringTokenizer class.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample6.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SplitStringExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //defining a String object String str = &apos;Welcome/to/Javatpoint&apos;; //constructor of the StringTokenizer class StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, &apos;/&apos;); //checks if the string has more tokens or not while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { //prints the tokens System.out.println(tokens.nextToken()); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Welcome to Javatpoint </pre> <h2>Using Scanner.useDelimiter() Method</h2> <p>Java <strong>Scanner</strong> class provides the <strong>useDelimiter()</strong> method to split the string into tokens. There are two variants of the useDelimiter() method:</p> <ul> <li>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</li> <li>useDelimiter(String pattern)</li> </ul> <h3>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) </pre> <h3>useDelimiter(String pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to a pattern that constructs from the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) </pre> <h4>Note: Both the above methods behave in the same way, as invoke the useDelimiter(Pattern.compile(pattern)).</h4> <p>In the following program, we have used the useDelimiter() method to split the string.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample7.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample7 { public static void main(String args[]) { //construtor of the Scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(&apos;Do/your/work/self&apos;); //Initialize the string delimiter scan.useDelimiter(&apos;/&apos;); //checks if the tokenized Strings has next token while(scan.hasNext()) { //prints the next token System.out.println(scan.next()); } //closing the scanner scan.close(); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Do your work self </pre> <hr></stringarray.length;></pre></stringarray1.length;></pre></stringarray.length;></pre></stringarray.length;>

I ovenstående eksempel er strengobjektet afgrænset af et komma. Split()-metoden opdeler strengen, når den finder kommaet som et skilletegn.

Lad os se et andet eksempel, hvor vi vil bruge flere afgrænsningstegn til at opdele strengen.

pandaer skaber dataramme


 public class SplitStringExample3 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;If you don&apos;t like something, change.it.&apos;; //split string by multiple delimiters String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[, . &apos;]+&apos;); //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> If you don t like something change it </pre> <p> <strong>String.split(String regex, int limit)</strong> </p> <p>It allows us to split string specified by delimiter but into a limited number of tokens. The method accepts two parameters regex (a delimiting regular expression) and limit. The limit parameter is used to control the number of times the pattern is applied that affects the resultant array. It returns an array of String objects computed by splitting the given string according to the limit parameter.</p> <p>There is a slight difference between the variant of the split() methods that it limits the number of tokens returned after invoking the method.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String[] split(String regex, int limit) </pre> <p>It throws <strong>PatternSyntaxException</strong> if the parsed regular expression has an invalid syntax.</p> <p>The limit parameter may be positive, negative, or equal to the limit.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample4.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample4 { public static void main(String args[]) { String str1 = &apos;468-567-7388&apos;; String str2 = &apos;Life,is,your,creation&apos;; String str3 = &apos;Hello! how are you?&apos;; String[] stringarray1 = str1.split(&apos;8&apos;,2); System.out.println(&apos;When the limit is positive:&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Number of tokens: &apos;+stringarray1.length); for(int i=0; i<stringarray1.length; i++) { system.out.println(stringarray1[i]); } string[] stringarray2="str2.split(&apos;y&apos;,-3);" system.out.println(\'
when the limit is negative: \'); system.out.println(\'number of tokens: \'+stringarray2.length); for(int i="0;" i<stringarray2.length; system.out.println(stringarray2[i]); stringarray3="str3.split(&apos;!&apos;,0);" equal to 0:\'); \'+stringarray3.length); i<stringarray3.length; system.out.println(stringarray3[i]); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> When the limit is positive: Number of tokens: 2 46 -567-7388 When the limit is negative: Number of tokens: 2 Life,is, our,creation When the limit is equal to 0: Number of tokens: 2 Hello how are you? </pre> <p>In the above code snippet, we see that:</p> <ul> <li>When the limit is 2, the number of tokens in the string array is two.</li> <li>When the limit is -3, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. It includes the trailing spaces.</li> <li>When the limit is 0, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. In this case, trailing space is omitted.</li> </ul> <h3>Example of Pipe Delimited String</h3> <p>Splitting a string delimited by pipe (|) is a little bit tricky. Because the pipe is a special character in Java regular expression.</p> <p>Let&apos;s create a string delimited by pipe and split it by pipe.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample5.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample5 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;Life|is|your|creation&apos;; //split string delimited by comma String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;|&apos;); //we can use dot, whitespace, any character //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> L i f e | i s | y o u r | c r e a t i o n </pre> <p>In the above example, we see that it does not produce the same output as other delimiter yields. It should produce an array of tokens, <strong>life, yours,</strong> and <strong>creation</strong> , but it is not. It gives the result, as we have seen in the output above.</p> <p>The reason behind it that the regular expression engine interprets the pipe delimiter as a <strong>Logical OR operator</strong> . The regex engine splits the String on empty String.</p> <p>In order to resolve this problem, we must <strong>escape</strong> the pipe character when passed to the split() method. We use the following statement to escape the pipe character:</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;\|&apos;); </pre> <p>Add a pair of <strong>backslash (\)</strong> before the delimiter to escape the pipe. After doing the changes in the above program, the regex engine interprets the pipe character as a delimiter.</p> <p>Another way to escape the pipe character is to put the pipe character inside a pair of square brackets, as shown below. In the Java regex API, the pair of square brackets act as a character class.</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[|]&apos;); </pre> <p>Both the above statements yield the following output:</p> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Life is your creation </pre> <h3>Using StringTokenizer Class</h3> <p>Java <strong>StringTokenizer</strong> is a legacy class that is defined in java.util package. It allows us to split the string into tokens. It is not used by the programmer because the split() method of the String class does the same work. So, the programmer prefers the split() method instead of the StringTokenizer class. We use the following two methods of the class:</p> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()</strong> </p> <p>The method iterates over the string and checks if there are more tokens available in the tokenizer string. It returns true if there is one token is available in the string after the current position, else returns false. It internally calls the <strong>nextToken()</strong> method if it returns true and the nextToken() method returns the token.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public boolean hasMoreTokens() </pre> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.nextToken()</strong> </p> <p>It returns the next token from the string tokenizer. It throws <strong>NoSuchElementException</strong> if the tokens are not available in the string tokenizer.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String nextToken() </pre> <p>Let&apos;s create a program that splits the string using the StringTokenizer class.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample6.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SplitStringExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //defining a String object String str = &apos;Welcome/to/Javatpoint&apos;; //constructor of the StringTokenizer class StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, &apos;/&apos;); //checks if the string has more tokens or not while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { //prints the tokens System.out.println(tokens.nextToken()); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Welcome to Javatpoint </pre> <h2>Using Scanner.useDelimiter() Method</h2> <p>Java <strong>Scanner</strong> class provides the <strong>useDelimiter()</strong> method to split the string into tokens. There are two variants of the useDelimiter() method:</p> <ul> <li>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</li> <li>useDelimiter(String pattern)</li> </ul> <h3>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) </pre> <h3>useDelimiter(String pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to a pattern that constructs from the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) </pre> <h4>Note: Both the above methods behave in the same way, as invoke the useDelimiter(Pattern.compile(pattern)).</h4> <p>In the following program, we have used the useDelimiter() method to split the string.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample7.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample7 { public static void main(String args[]) { //construtor of the Scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(&apos;Do/your/work/self&apos;); //Initialize the string delimiter scan.useDelimiter(&apos;/&apos;); //checks if the tokenized Strings has next token while(scan.hasNext()) { //prints the next token System.out.println(scan.next()); } //closing the scanner scan.close(); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Do your work self </pre> <hr></stringarray.length;></pre></stringarray1.length;></pre></stringarray.length;>

String.split(String regex, int limit)

Det giver os mulighed for at opdele streng specificeret ved afgrænser, men i et begrænset antal tokens. Metoden accepterer to parametre regex (et afgrænsende regulært udtryk) og limit. Grænseparameteren bruges til at kontrollere det antal gange, mønsteret påføres, som påvirker det resulterende array. Det returnerer et array af String-objekter beregnet ved at opdele den givne streng i henhold til grænseparameteren.

Der er en lille forskel mellem varianten af ​​split()-metoderne, at den begrænser antallet af tokens, der returneres efter fremkaldelse af metoden.


 public String[] split(String regex, int limit) 

Det kaster PatternSyntaxException hvis det parsede regulære udtryk har en ugyldig syntaks.

Grænseparameteren kan være positiv, negativ eller lig med grænsen.


 public class SplitStringExample4 { public static void main(String args[]) { String str1 = &apos;468-567-7388&apos;; String str2 = &apos;Life,is,your,creation&apos;; String str3 = &apos;Hello! how are you?&apos;; String[] stringarray1 = str1.split(&apos;8&apos;,2); System.out.println(&apos;When the limit is positive:&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Number of tokens: &apos;+stringarray1.length); for(int i=0; i<stringarray1.length; i++) { system.out.println(stringarray1[i]); } string[] stringarray2="str2.split(&apos;y&apos;,-3);" system.out.println(\'
when the limit is negative: \'); system.out.println(\'number of tokens: \'+stringarray2.length); for(int i="0;" i<stringarray2.length; system.out.println(stringarray2[i]); stringarray3="str3.split(&apos;!&apos;,0);" equal to 0:\'); \'+stringarray3.length); i<stringarray3.length; system.out.println(stringarray3[i]); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> When the limit is positive: Number of tokens: 2 46 -567-7388 When the limit is negative: Number of tokens: 2 Life,is, our,creation When the limit is equal to 0: Number of tokens: 2 Hello how are you? </pre> <p>In the above code snippet, we see that:</p> <ul> <li>When the limit is 2, the number of tokens in the string array is two.</li> <li>When the limit is -3, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. It includes the trailing spaces.</li> <li>When the limit is 0, the specified string is split into 2 tokens. In this case, trailing space is omitted.</li> </ul> <h3>Example of Pipe Delimited String</h3> <p>Splitting a string delimited by pipe (|) is a little bit tricky. Because the pipe is a special character in Java regular expression.</p> <p>Let&apos;s create a string delimited by pipe and split it by pipe.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample5.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class SplitStringExample5 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;Life|is|your|creation&apos;; //split string delimited by comma String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;|&apos;); //we can use dot, whitespace, any character //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> L i f e | i s | y o u r | c r e a t i o n </pre> <p>In the above example, we see that it does not produce the same output as other delimiter yields. It should produce an array of tokens, <strong>life, yours,</strong> and <strong>creation</strong> , but it is not. It gives the result, as we have seen in the output above.</p> <p>The reason behind it that the regular expression engine interprets the pipe delimiter as a <strong>Logical OR operator</strong> . The regex engine splits the String on empty String.</p> <p>In order to resolve this problem, we must <strong>escape</strong> the pipe character when passed to the split() method. We use the following statement to escape the pipe character:</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;\|&apos;); </pre> <p>Add a pair of <strong>backslash (\)</strong> before the delimiter to escape the pipe. After doing the changes in the above program, the regex engine interprets the pipe character as a delimiter.</p> <p>Another way to escape the pipe character is to put the pipe character inside a pair of square brackets, as shown below. In the Java regex API, the pair of square brackets act as a character class.</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[|]&apos;); </pre> <p>Both the above statements yield the following output:</p> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Life is your creation </pre> <h3>Using StringTokenizer Class</h3> <p>Java <strong>StringTokenizer</strong> is a legacy class that is defined in java.util package. It allows us to split the string into tokens. It is not used by the programmer because the split() method of the String class does the same work. So, the programmer prefers the split() method instead of the StringTokenizer class. We use the following two methods of the class:</p> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()</strong> </p> <p>The method iterates over the string and checks if there are more tokens available in the tokenizer string. It returns true if there is one token is available in the string after the current position, else returns false. It internally calls the <strong>nextToken()</strong> method if it returns true and the nextToken() method returns the token.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public boolean hasMoreTokens() </pre> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.nextToken()</strong> </p> <p>It returns the next token from the string tokenizer. It throws <strong>NoSuchElementException</strong> if the tokens are not available in the string tokenizer.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String nextToken() </pre> <p>Let&apos;s create a program that splits the string using the StringTokenizer class.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample6.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SplitStringExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //defining a String object String str = &apos;Welcome/to/Javatpoint&apos;; //constructor of the StringTokenizer class StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, &apos;/&apos;); //checks if the string has more tokens or not while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { //prints the tokens System.out.println(tokens.nextToken()); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Welcome to Javatpoint </pre> <h2>Using Scanner.useDelimiter() Method</h2> <p>Java <strong>Scanner</strong> class provides the <strong>useDelimiter()</strong> method to split the string into tokens. There are two variants of the useDelimiter() method:</p> <ul> <li>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</li> <li>useDelimiter(String pattern)</li> </ul> <h3>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) </pre> <h3>useDelimiter(String pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to a pattern that constructs from the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) </pre> <h4>Note: Both the above methods behave in the same way, as invoke the useDelimiter(Pattern.compile(pattern)).</h4> <p>In the following program, we have used the useDelimiter() method to split the string.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample7.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample7 { public static void main(String args[]) { //construtor of the Scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(&apos;Do/your/work/self&apos;); //Initialize the string delimiter scan.useDelimiter(&apos;/&apos;); //checks if the tokenized Strings has next token while(scan.hasNext()) { //prints the next token System.out.println(scan.next()); } //closing the scanner scan.close(); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Do your work self </pre> <hr></stringarray.length;></pre></stringarray1.length;>

I ovenstående kodestykke ser vi, at:

sortere en arraylist
  • Når grænsen er 2, er antallet af tokens i string-arrayet to.
  • Når grænsen er -3, opdeles den angivne streng i 2 tokens. Det inkluderer de efterfølgende rum.
  • Når grænsen er 0, opdeles den angivne streng i 2 tokens. I dette tilfælde er bagerste plads udeladt.

Eksempel på Pipe Delimited String

At splitte en streng afgrænset af rør (|) er en lille smule vanskelig. Fordi røret er et særligt tegn i Java regulære udtryk.

Lad os skabe en streng afgrænset af rør og opdele den for rør.


 public class SplitStringExample5 { public static void main(String args[]) { //defining a String object String s = &apos;Life|is|your|creation&apos;; //split string delimited by comma String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;|&apos;); //we can use dot, whitespace, any character //iterate over string array for(int i=0; i<stringarray.length; i++) { prints the tokens system.out.println(stringarray[i]); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> L i f e | i s | y o u r | c r e a t i o n </pre> <p>In the above example, we see that it does not produce the same output as other delimiter yields. It should produce an array of tokens, <strong>life, yours,</strong> and <strong>creation</strong> , but it is not. It gives the result, as we have seen in the output above.</p> <p>The reason behind it that the regular expression engine interprets the pipe delimiter as a <strong>Logical OR operator</strong> . The regex engine splits the String on empty String.</p> <p>In order to resolve this problem, we must <strong>escape</strong> the pipe character when passed to the split() method. We use the following statement to escape the pipe character:</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;\|&apos;); </pre> <p>Add a pair of <strong>backslash (\)</strong> before the delimiter to escape the pipe. After doing the changes in the above program, the regex engine interprets the pipe character as a delimiter.</p> <p>Another way to escape the pipe character is to put the pipe character inside a pair of square brackets, as shown below. In the Java regex API, the pair of square brackets act as a character class.</p> <pre> String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[|]&apos;); </pre> <p>Both the above statements yield the following output:</p> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Life is your creation </pre> <h3>Using StringTokenizer Class</h3> <p>Java <strong>StringTokenizer</strong> is a legacy class that is defined in java.util package. It allows us to split the string into tokens. It is not used by the programmer because the split() method of the String class does the same work. So, the programmer prefers the split() method instead of the StringTokenizer class. We use the following two methods of the class:</p> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()</strong> </p> <p>The method iterates over the string and checks if there are more tokens available in the tokenizer string. It returns true if there is one token is available in the string after the current position, else returns false. It internally calls the <strong>nextToken()</strong> method if it returns true and the nextToken() method returns the token.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public boolean hasMoreTokens() </pre> <p> <strong>StringTokenizer.nextToken()</strong> </p> <p>It returns the next token from the string tokenizer. It throws <strong>NoSuchElementException</strong> if the tokens are not available in the string tokenizer.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public String nextToken() </pre> <p>Let&apos;s create a program that splits the string using the StringTokenizer class.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample6.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SplitStringExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //defining a String object String str = &apos;Welcome/to/Javatpoint&apos;; //constructor of the StringTokenizer class StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, &apos;/&apos;); //checks if the string has more tokens or not while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { //prints the tokens System.out.println(tokens.nextToken()); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Welcome to Javatpoint </pre> <h2>Using Scanner.useDelimiter() Method</h2> <p>Java <strong>Scanner</strong> class provides the <strong>useDelimiter()</strong> method to split the string into tokens. There are two variants of the useDelimiter() method:</p> <ul> <li>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</li> <li>useDelimiter(String pattern)</li> </ul> <h3>useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) </pre> <h3>useDelimiter(String pattern)</h3> <p>The method sets the scanner&apos;s delimiting pattern to a pattern that constructs from the specified string. It parses a delimiting pattern as an argument. It returns the Scanner.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax:</strong> </p> <pre> public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) </pre> <h4>Note: Both the above methods behave in the same way, as invoke the useDelimiter(Pattern.compile(pattern)).</h4> <p>In the following program, we have used the useDelimiter() method to split the string.</p> <p> <strong>SplitStringExample7.java</strong> </p> <pre> import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample7 { public static void main(String args[]) { //construtor of the Scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(&apos;Do/your/work/self&apos;); //Initialize the string delimiter scan.useDelimiter(&apos;/&apos;); //checks if the tokenized Strings has next token while(scan.hasNext()) { //prints the next token System.out.println(scan.next()); } //closing the scanner scan.close(); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Do your work self </pre> <hr></stringarray.length;>

I ovenstående eksempel ser vi, at det ikke producerer det samme output som andre afgrænsningsudbytter. Det bør producere en række tokens, livet, dit, og skabelse , men det er det ikke. Det giver resultatet, som vi har set i outputtet ovenfor.

Årsagen bag det, at den regulære udtryksmotor fortolker rørafgrænseren som en Logisk ELLER-operator . Regex-motoren opdeler strengen på tom streng.

For at løse dette problem skal vi flugt rørtegnet, når det overføres til split()-metoden. Vi bruger følgende sætning til at undslippe rørkarakteren:

 String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;\|&apos;); 

Tilføj et par omvendt skråstreg (\) før afgrænseren for at undslippe røret. Efter at have udført ændringerne i ovenstående program, fortolker regex-motoren rørtegnet som en afgrænsning.

En anden måde at undslippe rørkarakteren er at sætte rørkarakteren inden i et par firkantede parenteser, som vist nedenfor. I Java regex API fungerer parret af firkantede parenteser som en karakterklasse.

 String[] stringarray = s.split(&apos;[|]&apos;); 

Begge ovenstående udsagn giver følgende output:


 Life is your creation 

Brug af StringTokenizer Class

Java StringTokenizer er en ældre klasse, der er defineret i pakken java.util. Det giver os mulighed for at opdele strengen i tokens. Den bruges ikke af programmøren, fordi split()-metoden i String-klassen gør det samme arbejde. Så programmøren foretrækker split()-metoden i stedet for StringTokenizer-klassen. Vi bruger følgende to metoder i klassen:


Metoden itererer over strengen og tjekker, om der er flere tokens tilgængelige i tokenizer-strengen. Det returnerer sandt, hvis der er et token tilgængeligt i strengen efter den aktuelle position, ellers returnerer falsk. Det kalder internt nextToken() metoden, hvis den returnerer sand og nextToken() metoden returnerer tokenet.


 public boolean hasMoreTokens() 


Det returnerer det næste token fra strengtokenizeren. Det kaster NoSuchElementException hvis tokens ikke er tilgængelige i streng-tokenizeren.


 public String nextToken() 

Lad os skabe et program, der deler strengen ved hjælp af StringTokenizer-klassen.


 import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SplitStringExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //defining a String object String str = &apos;Welcome/to/Javatpoint&apos;; //constructor of the StringTokenizer class StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, &apos;/&apos;); //checks if the string has more tokens or not while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { //prints the tokens System.out.println(tokens.nextToken()); } } } 


 Welcome to Javatpoint 

Brug af Scanner.useDelimiter()-metoden

Java Scanner klasse giver useDelimiter() metode til at opdele strengen i tokens. Der er to varianter af useDelimiter() metoden:

  • useDelimiter(mønstermønster)
  • useDelimiter(strengmønster)


Metoden indstiller scannerens afgrænsningsmønster til den angivne streng. Den analyserer et afgrænsende mønster som et argument. Det returnerer scanneren.


 public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) 


Metoden indstiller scannerens afgrænsningsmønster til et mønster, der konstrueres ud fra den angivne streng. Den analyserer et afgrænsende mønster som et argument. Det returnerer scanneren.


 public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) 

Bemærk: Begge ovennævnte metoder opfører sig på samme måde, da de kalder useDelimiter(Pattern.compile(pattern)).

I det følgende program har vi brugt metoden useDelimiter() til at opdele strengen.


 import java.util.Scanner; public class SplitStringExample7 { public static void main(String args[]) { //construtor of the Scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(&apos;Do/your/work/self&apos;); //Initialize the string delimiter scan.useDelimiter(&apos;/&apos;); //checks if the tokenized Strings has next token while(scan.hasNext()) { //prints the next token System.out.println(scan.next()); } //closing the scanner scan.close(); } } 


udskift strengen i java
 Do your work self